


You want yours Niche side and in addition to the job, your wallet with something passive income improve? To do this, you have to register a company in addition to your full-time job. For this fact you have to do a part-time job independence Sign in. Part-time self-employment offers many advantages. In this way you can continue to work in your secure full-time job and do not have to rely on your business to generate your salary directly. So it can also be a great addition to your wallet. We have put together a part-time self-employment checklist that will help you put together your strategy. So that you don’t forget anything and find it easier to get started. You can download it for free. Part-time self-employment checklist download pdf [werbung] [fotolia]

A Buying an existing website gives you the advantage of not having to start from scratch. In the end, you buy a proven web design and initial traffic. We don’t need to tell you that the Internet represents the future in almost every industry. Today you can get information from specialist websites and Blogs . Shoes, clothes and Christmas gifts, as well as cosmetics, can be bought in online shops. Nowadays, most people no longer even book trips at the travel agency around the corner, but from the comfort of their own home on their laptop. Recommendations can be obtained from affiliate sites, and booking is made on the website of the travel agent or tour operator. So: What could be more obvious than wanting to get involved in this market ?! Website purchase plan with checklist While buying an existing website is no magic, there are a few things…

Want to know how to capitalize on your own website through a sale? Then Projektify.de is the right place for you. However, the processing of the website sale is not easy and definitely not a sure-fire success. So that you can make optimal use of our offer, we want to bring you a little closer to the whole topic with the checklist for selling a website. So you can be sure not to forget anything important when selling Website sale plan with checklist With our checklist you can plan your sale step by step! Download ours too Pricing checklists and inform yourself in articles about the Subject of price negotiations and Website sales . Sell checklist pdf download [werbung] [fotolia]

You finally want to become self-employed and are looking for your suitable niche. But all these books that you read only provide you with very complex methods to find your idea and you can’t think of anything yourself? In this list, we have put together some important steps for you to come up with your niche idea and what you should consider beforehand with your idea. The list is of course free and you can download it here without specifying your email. We wish you every success in developing your idea and if you are no longer interested in your project, you can still sell it profitably with us. Also read related articles like Startup idea build and one Articles about business models as well as the Articles on passive income. Download niche idea checklist pdf [werbung] [fotolia]

It doesn’t matter if you buy a website or yours Sell a web project on Projektify would like: The price negotiation plays a central role in the process. As a seller you want to achieve the highest possible price, as a potential buyer you want to look as little as possible for the website of your desire. It gives you a rough overview of whether your asking price is realistic our price calculator for websites. We have already discussed which factors influence the price of a website or a web project explained in detail in a post . This includes above all the sales already achieved, the traffic, the differentiation from the competition and the further potential. In this checklist we have put together the important criteria for finding or negotiating a price. You can download it for free. Pricing checklist download pdf In addition, on Projektify you have the…

A Niche website is nothing more than an ordinary page, only that it specializes in something. She usually deals with a topic in depth or only operates a specific product. You can now find numerous such sites on the Internet. For some time now you have been reading articles on which others advertise with 2000 euros and more income per month and you would like to earn that much? Our checklist will help you get started. We have put together the important points for the construction for you. Furthermore, there are also points like that Monetization and Maintain your niche website very important. We have linked other articles for you, which can supplement the checklist. Also note ours Idea checklist a niche website. Build up a niche site Download the checklist as a pdf If you prefer to talk to an expert personally on this topic and ask them a…

Findability on Google is one of the most important factors for the success of your website. We have therefore put together all the tips for you in a compact checklist so that you don’t forget anything. The list is of course completely free of charge for you. Google tries to find and analyze all content that is available on the Internet and thus make it findable via Google search. However, it is important that you are also very high up and that many people come to your side. So if you want your content to be findable via Google, you have to make sure that it is indexed very well by Google. This is the basis of our list, which shows you at least the most important points on which you can build a successful SEO. An important key is also that Website maintenance and in addition to the checklist,…

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