For many, having your own website is not only an important source of income, but also like having your own baby. So it’s no wonder that many people regularly think about a niche site backup! But is such a data backup worthwhile and if so, what is the best way to do it? Do I need a niche site backup? Just imagine once, all of your data is suddenly gone and all your work is virtually in vain? A frightening thought, isn’t it? A niche site backup can prevent exactly that! Therefore it is obvious: A niche site backup makes sense! For some business people, for example the self-employed, neglecting such a niche site backup can even endanger their own existence. Because lost data can result in huge financial losses that even lead to Company bankruptcy could lead. Benefits of a niche site backup So you see: A niche page…
There is often a problem with special web projects: Too little traffic on niche sites. This article shows you how to solve this problem! How much traffic is necessary on niche sites? Beginners in particular often overestimate the number of visitors that they ultimately really need to generate income. A niche page is a niche. You will never be able to unite as many users here as for wine-related topics. However, your niche ensures that the right visitors find you. Namely, those who are not only interested in the topic, but also intend to buy. Accordingly, in percentage terms, you need a lot less traffic on your site in order to achieve similar sales as normal websites. Just a few hundred visitors a month can bring you a good income with your niche. 4 tips to attract first visitors First and foremost, you should always be a little patient. Traffic…
Once you’ve found the right void, niche sites seem like the perfect way to generate a profitable income. But that is not always the case, because it is now becoming increasingly difficult for newcomers to the online business to gain a foothold on the ladder of success. However, if you follow a few small tips, you can certainly make the first step easier. Secrets of Successful Niche Sites Of course, there is never a guarantee of success, but there are a few ways in which you can learn the right strategy from the best practice example. planning The be-all and end-all of any web project is planning. It’s no different with niche sites either. Research your ideas to find out which of them are promising and which you should tick off right away. But also software and layout as well as the appropriate domain are an important part of successful…
Earning money online is becoming an increasingly popular way to increase your own income a little. Before most beginners put their web project into practice, however, there are usually many questions and often doubts. Is a web project worth it at all? How much work and time do I have to invest to earn something? And how big is the income that I can generate? Questions about questions that we want to get to the bottom of the answer in this article. The different web project options The basis of every web project is usually its own website. All operational measures can be regulated from here and it forms the platform for the visitors to your site. The more people click on your site, the higher your traffic will be. This has a great influence on the earning potential and the amount of income that you can achieve with your…
Are you motivated, creative and constantly developing good content? But the visitors to your website still stay away? There are a few tricks you can use to generate more traffic for your web project. They turn your work into a successful web project: visitors. As one of countless pages on Google, it is not that easy to be found by them. We have put together the following tips and tricks for more traffic on your website so that you can attract more people to your own site and generate income. What you should consider when generating traffic There are innumerable recommendations for strategies in the vastness of the internet. However, not every strategy fits your user equally well. So before you waste your time and just try it out, you should consider carefully in advance which measures really make sense and which of them suit you and your web project.…
The number of people who decide to earn something with an online shop or even start their own business is increasing every day. But is this step worth it? How much income can you actually achieve with an online shop? Is an online shop still worthwhile? This is probably the most frequently asked question when it comes to running your own online shop. Given the right conditions and the right work ethic, this question can definitely be answered with a YES. The number of online purchases is still increasing year after year. The following graphic shows you how high the average monthly order volume from online shops is according to a study we recently carried out. As you can see, almost 80 percent of our respondents have a rate between 1 and 1000 orders per month. A full 7 percent can even generate monthly quantities of more than 5000 orders.…
You want to open a new website and have found your main topic. Now you want to write some blog articles so that they rank on Google and generate traffic for you. You then want to monetize this traffic passive income to generate. But you can’t think of any topics? Then we will help you! 1. Brainstorm Easy sit down, think and let the ideas bubble! Unfortunately, it’s not that easy! First, write down all the ideas as simple keywords on a piece of paper and really write down everything you can think of. Set yourself a time limit of 10 minutes. Then you summarize the keywords and create a mind map from them. If you have examples of a children’s toys page, the first branches of the mind map could be boys and girls. Then maybe wooden and plastic toys etc … Now you take these ideas and rate…
Would you like to build a niche website or run an extensive online startup? You just ask yourself: How exactly do I proceed? Using the example of theoretical and practical examples from Projektify, we want to show you how to best proceed when setting up your web project. The startup idea In the first step, of course, you need a concrete idea. For example, just pick up a good glass of red wine, sit down in your favorite armchair and start thinking. In order to get good ideas, you can simply take a look around your environment: What is currently bothering you or what things are you currently missing in your environment? It is important that your idea is not too big at the beginning and ideally covers a small niche. There you have less competition, you can quickly get customers and first successes as well as the important keywords…
You have yours Niche idea found and has built your niche site . Now you optimize it for Google and may already have some initial traffic. But you would like to generate more traffic and thus more income. You can use social media for this. In the following we give the tips. Which social media channels are there? There are numerous Social media Channels, however, are often the same 3 large networks. We want to describe this to you and tell you when you can and should use which network. In addition, we will introduce you to 2 other categories. Facebook is probably the largest network and it almost always makes sense to set up a website. Building a fan base can be incredibly tedious and tedious when you rely on one post to get new Facebook likes every few days. We almost always recommend building a page. Twitter is…
Are you dreaming of passive income and / or a part-time job? Then off to the PC and off you go. In contrast to the past, companies are now largely founded on the Internet and entire web companies are taking their piece of the pie. You shouldn’t be missing there either, shouldn’t you? Buy a niche site – when is it worth it? So you’ve looked at numerous project exchanges or will still do that and yours Niche side search out. But when is such a page worthwhile? You can use our return calculator for this. This looks at how the price is in relation to the profit. You can then see a niche site such as an investment, e.g. a fund or fixed-term deposit. You deposit something and get one Return thereby. However, like these investments, web projects are very speculative. To compare the result of the return calculator,…