Earning money with the help of marketing measures on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In particular, the possibilities of affiliate and display / Adsense marketing are used by many.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

When Affiliate do you work as a distributor for a larger commercial provider? You advertise its products on your website by, for example, setting keyword links. As soon as a customer is interested in the advertised product, he will be redirected to the page of your business partner via the link. Only there can he buy the product. You yourself earn money in this process, in which you share in the profits on a commission basis.

What is Display / Adsense Marketing?

At the Display marketing you are trying to expand your customer base with the help of banners and advertisements. You create the individual ads yourself and distribute and activate them not only on your own, but also on other, target-group websites and platforms. This allows you to achieve a much greater reach when promoting products or services.

However, Adsense Marketing works a little differently. You can register for the Google Adsense program with your website. With the help of an algorithm, Google finally assigns you advertising banners from external companies that match your content and your target group. These banners and ads will eventually appear on your website and you will make money from them.

Difference Between Affiliate and Display / Adsense Marketing

Since the various forms of online marketing differ in many areas and a decision in favor of one of the two can only be reached through a precise comparison, we have put together this overview for you as a guide. Here you will find the difference between affiliate and display / Adsense marketing in more detail.

Affiliate marketing Display marketing AdSense Marketing
principle Sales partner for commercial providers, advertising through links on their own website Create your own advertisements and banners, publish on your own as well as on other platforms Register with your own website, publish third-party advertising content using the Google AdSense algorithm
Main task Generation of traffic and content rich in content, as well as the forwarding of potential customers to the commercial provider Disseminate your own advertising content on your own and other platforms and use links to guide customers to your own site Providing your own platform for third-party advertising content
Building your own business requires an understanding of the effect of ads on the sales figures of the commercial provider with defined target groups Assumes an understanding of the development of advertising content as well as the constant optimization of measures and relevant target groups Difficult to do because the algorithm distributes advertising content and you have no control over it yourself
costs commercial provider bears all advertising costs incurred, affiliate only bears costs for operating their own website Marketing and other advertising costs and running your own website Only for running your own website
Profit only commission instead of the full sales price and only if the customer is redirected to the product via the link By selling your own products, when customers are directed to your own website by means of links For providing your own website
risk low Comparatively high, as own responsibility for advertising content low


Affiliate and display / Adsense projects with Projektify

If you still have more on the topic Passive income on the net or to matching Web projects want to find out, then take a look around our website. Here you can not only sell your own web project, but also acquire many online ideas from other entrepreneurs. Click here to go directly to the advertisements!

However, if you prefer to talk to an expert personally on this topic and ask them a few important questions, then you will find ours here “Get rich on the Internet” service .


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