
Set up website


A good and sophisticated business plan is the cornerstone of every successful online business. The consideration of wanting to create a business plan for your web project should therefore correspond to a fixed task rather than an eventuality. In this article we want to give you a few suggestions and tips on how to best proceed. Why do I even need a business plan? First of all, we should clarify the extent to which a business plan makes sense, who needs it and what added value it offers. A web project gives its founder a lot of freedom. Instead of expensive rental expenses and bound working hours, an online startup can work flexibly and conveniently from anywhere, at any time. But even a web project is basically a completely normal business that can only be successful with the right strategy and a lot of time and effort. For this reason,…

The web project is up and everything is ready for your site to start properly. But one problem in particular often arises very quickly: generating traffic. Because no matter how good your website may be, if you fail to draw visitors’ attention to it, sooner or later you will not be successful. What many don’t know: There are different ways to attract users to your site instead of just using Google search. So generating traffic is actually not as difficult as many people assume again and again. In this article we will show you our top 6 traffic sources and how you can use them optimally. Generate traffic: 6 sources for more visitors Generating traffic is essential for your website, as it doesn’t really exist without it, like a department store without customers. No customers means not only no sales, no recommendations, no affiliates, but also no sales and no…

The internet has become a major place in the current time. So it’s no wonder that new web projects are constantly emerging online. Given the size of the competition and the vastness of the Internet, one thing applies above all else: to set yourself apart from the crowd with your web project. But what makes a successful web project? What requirements does it have to meet in order not to go under inconspicuously? We have devoted ourselves to exactly these questions in this article and therefore present you with 5 important requirements for a successful web project. Step 1: the concept The concept is the first part of a successful web project. To do this, you should first think about the added value your web project offers other people. On the basis of this, it is then important that you precisely define your target group. Based on this, you can…

The wireframe as the first rough concept is already known to some in the development phase of their web project. In addition, there is the possibility of further refining this initial overview with additional details, in the form of the so-called mockup. This time, this article explains not only what the mockup is, but also how it works and the advantages and disadvantages of using it. What is a mockup? Just like wireframe, a mockup is used to set up a website and is mainly used for presentation purposes. In addition to the rough concept of the wireframe, it helps, as a kind of basic structure of the operating elements, to map the visualization of a website as a rough sketch quickly and easily and to give an initial structure for design and functionality. Here too, as with wireframes, no programming skills, e.g. writing the end of the source, are…

If the dream of their own website is to take shape, most people first plan the many details and details as well as a rough concept in their minds. There are also options for displaying such an overview online – in the form of a wireframe. This time, this article explains not only what wireframe is, but also how it works and the advantages and disadvantages of using it. What is a wireframe? A wireframe is a rough draft of a website by showing only the main parts of a website. Elements in terms of functionality and design are initially neglected at this point, i.e. everything such as images, graphics or even the design. Instead, a wireframe helps you to set up a concept for your website, in which you only think about the logical structure and structure of your website. In general, a distinction is made between two types…

A good domain name is often found quickly and just as often is already taken. Especially with popular endings like .com, .de or .net, it is no longer so easy to find an available domain that also fits your own web project. But there are a few tricks and strategies that can help you register a new domain relatively quickly and easily. But how important is a good domain name in the end and what should you do when it seems that all suitable domains have already been assigned? With this article we provide answers to exactly these questions! Why is a good domain name so important? Clearly, the business idea itself has the greatest impact on the success of the web project. Nevertheless, many underestimate that the domain name can also make a significant contribution to the success of the company. Especially with regard to the traffic a good…

Once the web project is up and running, prospective entrepreneurs will of course wait for the first traffic, but what if this subsides again after a short time? Many then quickly question their product or service. The problem for a successful web project can also be completely different: with the usability of your website. If the visitors find it difficult to find their way around your site and click around for too long hopelessly without finding what they are looking for, they are quickly dissatisfied. This in turn leads to the fact that the traffic on your site drops rapidly and the quality of your actual work, namely your product or service, is not even noticed. But there are different aspects with which you can increase the usability of a successful web project and keep visitors to your website. This is how a successful web project succeeds There are many…

You have noticed that although you have a high click-through rate on your website, the traffic usually does not last long. One of the reasons for this is that you are not using call to action. Man is by nature in search of systems and processes and he is only too happy to be guided by others. It’s no different online either. So that you can keep visitors on your website longer and not just read a few sentences here and there, it is important that you give them a call to action. This is the only way your visitor will know what to do next and that certainly does not include leaving your site. What is a call to action? If you are now wondering what exactly we are talking about, then you should read on now. A call to action, or CTA for short, is a recommendation for…

When it comes to search engine optimization, the influence of page speed on SEO comes into play more and more often. In this article we will therefore clarify what exactly this is all about. If you are currently working on optimizing your website for search engines, then you have certainly come across the term “Page Speed” several times. Perhaps you have also learned that page speed is playing an increasingly important role in Google rankings. That’s why you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of faster loading times. What does a fast loading time actually mean? Unfortunately, that cannot be said across the board. Because which page speed is considered to be fast differs enormously online. While one side argues that a loading speed is good if it satisfies the user, the other side refers to specific figures. There one usually speaks of values between 1.5 and 3 seconds for the download…

You bought a web project and are now trying to find out how the move should work? In this article, we will explain how you can move your new web project using the example of WordPress. Sometimes it’s because the old web host provider has become unreliable, another provider has a better deal, or it’s just time for something new. There are many reasons why it can make sense to move a web project. Since this should best be done according to a structured process, we have briefly summarized all the important points for moving a WordPress site. Moving a web project – 5-step plan for changing the provider of your WordPress site In order for the move of your WordPress site to a new web host provider to go smoothly, it is important that you take a few essential measures. Our 5-step plan explains exactly what these are and…

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