You have noticed that although you have a high click-through rate on your website, the traffic usually does not last long. One of the reasons for this is that you are not using call to action. Man is by nature in search of systems and processes and he is only too happy to be guided by others. It’s no different online either. So that you can keep visitors on your website longer and not just read a few sentences here and there, it is important that you give them a call to action. This is the only way your visitor will know what to do next and that certainly does not include leaving your site.
What is a call to action?
If you are now wondering what exactly we are talking about, then you should read on now.
A call to action, or CTA for short, is a recommendation for action or a clear call to the audience that results or should have an immediate reaction. As you can probably guess, the term comes from marketing. When it comes to call to action, the use of imperatives in texts is mostly used. A concrete example here would be the use of sentences such as “Click here” or “Order now”.
Importance of a call to action
Far too often we wrongly assume that our customers know exactly what we want from them. Since this is often not the case, it is extremely important that you make it clear to your customers what to do next. With this strategy, you always have your conversion goal in view at the same time, i.e. exactly the final state that you want your customers to achieve, such as placing an order and buying your goods.
Structure of a call to action
The use of a CTA is often implemented with three additional elements. The call to action button is the main component. It makes the call to action visible to your visitors and highlights it in your text. Before the reader comes into contact with this element, however, a lead-in is often used. This is a kind of introduction to your CTA. With a few creative sentences you unconsciously prepare your visitors for the call to action and thus build trust. If you did not succeed in this at the first attempt, the third element can save you. The so-called lead-out describes a kind of last chance to get the visitor to click the CTA button. For example, if you have your visitor’s data as a conversion goal, then a possible lead-out could be a measure. This allows you to make it clear to the customer why he should follow your request to act, what happens to his data or that he does not have to worry about data security.
How do I best implement Call to Action?
If you are now thinking about using Call to Action on your website yourself, then you should think more carefully about a few aspects.
You should always place a call to action in such a way that it immediately catches the eye of the visitors to your site. After all, it forms the main part of your landing page and embodies your business goals. Often times, it makes sense to design your CTA as a highlighted button. It is also important that you incorporate this button in several areas of your page. This is so important because you can never know exactly which route a visitor will take on your website. It is completely unreasonable to you through which areas he clicks through. So that you can be sure that he will definitely not miss your call to action, you can place it in the headline, at the end of an article or the social proof, for example.
Finally, when you finalize your CTA, it is important that you give the customer the impression that you have no expectations of them. Avoid words like download, purchase, or submit. It is much better if you put yourself in the role of your visitor and imagine their thoughts. For example, if he sees a piece of clothing that he likes, the call “Buy” can sound very negative at first. The potential customer may think that the only thing behind this is the trick of profit. The trust in your side is then lost immediately. It is better if you simply pick up the thoughts of your customer in your CTA and continue them. For example, if your customer thinks “Wow, that T-shirt is so beautiful …” then your call to action could answer “… I want that”. In this way, the customer does not feel compelled to buy, but has the feeling that the decision comes entirely from him. The chance that he will actually buy the t-shirt is much higher as a result.
Buy and sell web projects with Projektify
Do you have your own website on which you use Call to Action? Is it slowly but surely growing over your head? Or have you lost the fun of it? So that your project doesn’t disappear into oblivion or all of your work is completely in vain, you have the opportunity to sell your website to other entrepreneurs . Projektify offers you a free platform and high quality service for exactly that. As experts in the field of buying and selling web projects of all kinds, we are at your disposal for all topics such as Part-time self-employment , Passive income , Corporate succession or just that Sell your own company advisory at the side. Here you can create your advertisement without any obligation.
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