Nowadays we buy almost everything on the internet. After breakfast, first check the latest travel deals and then check out Amazon to see if there isn’t an even larger flat screen TV than your own. Oh yes, the doorbell rings and you hear your girlfriend screaming loudly. Don’t worry, no criminal – just the Zalando man.
In short: various studies, including the cross-industry one E-Commerce Study “Black box online shopping” show that consumers in some industries are already spending more money online than they would in brick-and-mortar stores retail trade to do. Of course, you saw this development early on and therefore opened a webshop.
But what if you don’t have time to run your own online shop? Then we suggest: Sell your own webshop!
Selling your own webshop is lucrative
Instead of that Online business In the form of the online shop, you should consider not selling it for a reasonable price instead.
Why? Depending on the amount of profits you are already making with your webshop, you can set the sales price relatively high. This is how the mission becomes: Selling the webshop becomes a lucrative thing for you.
This is how you determine a realistic price for your webshop
Every online shop is first of all a Business model like any other. The same valuation standards apply here as for other (online) companies: How much do you convert, how much do you have to spend in order to generate sales, how much profit is left over and are there any other outstanding liabilities? If the ratio of time and financial expenditure to sales is quite good and you have already proven yourself among the competition, you have a good chance of achieving a high price. But even if your project is still generating small profits, but is easily scalable, an experienced buyer definitely sees potential in it. This is usually done with an appropriate Purchase price rewarded.
Incidentally, Projektify offers you one nice tool , with the help of which you can roughly estimate the value of your website.
Tips for selling your webshop
If you are looking for a potential buyer for your Online shop you have to make it clear to them first of all what exactly it is. Describe in your display at best, everything is accurate and well structured. Here are some tips you need to think about before selling your webshop.
- What type of company is it based on?
- Who owns the webshop – are you a sole proprietorship, a GbR, GmbH, etc.?
- Which industry is it?
- What do you actually sell – electronics, shoes, various product groups?
- How is your business working
- Do you have the goods in stock, do you have a sales partner or do you run an affiliate shop and only receive commissions?
- How do you generate your sales?
- Do you make the sales exclusively with the sale of the goods or do you pursue a hybrid model? That means: Do you also generate any sales from other sources, such as banner advertising or anything else?
- On which platform do you run your shop?
- Which CMS is your online shop based on?
- What is the relationship between traffic and sales?
- If the rate between real interaction and page visitors is too wide, this could be an indication that the shop is lacking something. The buyer may have to work on the concept.
- Which rights are transferred?
- One of the most important questions is also which rights should be transferred when purchasing. Will the platform – with or without a domain -, various logos, naming rights or maybe. even sold a complete inventory?
If you answer the buyer’s questions above in some detail and, above all, truthfully in your ad, you can hope for numerous inquiries and good purchase negotiations.
Good luck with selling your webshop on Projektify! Look at mine Profile at Projektify ! I have been actively supporting Projektify since it was founded!
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