Many are almost exclusively concerned with starting a new company. Few are interested in taking over an existing company, but this has many advantages. We already have this in explained in another article . Also help for one To find corporate succession can be found in our blog. Now we would like to explain to you what it actually means to take over a company.

You can’t buy trust

With company succession, i.e. with the continuation of an existing company, you already get a workforce as well as market position, explicit knowledge and supplier and customer relationships. When you take over a company in an established company, you first have to prove your skills and gain the trust of customers, suppliers and employees. You can’t just buy this trust; you have to fight hard for it. However, there is a certain basic trust and you don’t have to start from scratch as you would with a start-up. So you should ask yourself: How can I build trust in a targeted manner?

What do I actually want to take on from the company?

Every interested buyer should ask himself these questions exactly twice. Namely once at the moment when you are looking for a company and get an offer and once when you have bought the company or is about to buy it. There are often special focus points such as

  • Supplier relationships
  • Entry into the market
  • Qualified Employees
  • Knowledge
  • Products

So you should think about the goals. It is very rare that you “just” want to take over a company and continue to run it 100%. Often there are goals behind the takeover. So do you primarily want to take over access to certain markets or the employees as well as the know-how of the company? Every buyer should be aware of this before buying and one must think about how to achieve this goal. Because these aspects can often not be “simply bought”. However, if you just want to continue running the company without a specific goal, then you should think about what is currently the most important thing about the company. Is it the customers, knowledge or employees? Then you should think carefully about how you can specifically build trust here.

Take over company: Projektify recommends a gradual transfer

This form of transfer offers everyone involved the chance to slowly grow into the new task. So you bring the business together for a while. In smaller online shops, we often experience that the seller still supports the buyer as a kind of advisor and slowly withdraws. For a step-by-step transfer to the successor, the limited liability company (GmbH) is particularly suitable, as it enables the newly joining partner to be limited and can be set up without any problems. But first of all, a buyer has to be found. You can do this at Projektify place a free ad which hopefully many interested buyers will respond to or take a look at our advertisements!

At the same time, we also offer you services Purchase advice as well as for Sales advice at. Here you can exchange ideas directly with an expert.


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