While self-employment used to be a lengthy and complicated process, nowadays it is much easier to stand on your own two feet in the job. Starting your own business on the Internet is becoming more and more popular. There are no limits to the possibilities.
In 2016 alone, almost 9 percent of all new start-ups belonged to the e-commerce category. However, if you put all online categories together, in the same year there were over 50 percent of new founders who set up self-employed in various online areas on the Internet (cf. https://www.google.de/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://deutscherstartupmonitor.de/fileadmin/dsm/dsm-16/studie_dsm_2016.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjs2OSvj-HaAhXDECwKHVIAZIAZUGBBkQAABeuWEzhusGIAZIAZUGBBkQAROvPEzh2 = Tendency Years? Increasing!
This shows: You too can build a successful business online!
This is exactly why we have summarized some options for you here, how you can easily implement your plan to become self-employed on the Internet.
Why it is worth doing your own business on the Internet
An online business on the side is a simple way to gain initial experience in the field of self-employment without being exposed to great risk. But that also means less free time and a lot of work. With a good idea, a lot of passion and commitment, you can also earn more money at the same time and build a serious business at the same time.
Independent on the Internet – the possibilities
As already mentioned, there are many ideas for starting your own business online. We would like to introduce some of them to you here.
online shop
Online self-employment can be achieved particularly well with your own online shop. For example, you can resell products purchased from a retailer or offer your own products for sale. Depending on how successful your shop is, you can generate a good income through the difference between the purchase or production costs and the sales price.
However, having your own shop is usually associated with a lot of work. In addition to constant care, looking after your customers is also extremely important. In order not to lose customers, in addition to following trends and providing an ever larger range of products, you should also offer good customer service. But also from a legal point of view, there is always something new to do, such as the implementation of new laws and regulations, such as B. the new one GDPR .
Dropshipping also includes the sale of products. However, in contrast to the online shop, you never really come into contact with the goods you are offering. Instead, your dealer sends the products to your customers as soon as you receive a creation. With dropshipping you can generate income and save on shipping and storage costs. However, you have to pay a fee for the service of your dealer.
Write ebook
Another possibility to become self-employed on the Internet is to write an ebook. Many people are crazy about these short guides and are not afraid to dig into their pockets. If you are an expert on a particular subject and enjoy writing, an ebook is a great way to start your own business.
Own blog
A very easy way to start your own business on the Internet is Build your own blog. All you need is your own website and lots of creative ideas for good content. However, it usually takes a long time for a blog to be successful and to generate a high level of traffic on your site. Nevertheless: Blogs are very popular and often have loyal readers. So if you enjoy writing and you pick up on a popular topic, you can become successful here and later generate an income by placing advertising or through partnerships.
Of course, there are an infinite number of other options. It is only important that you decide on something that you enjoy and to find an idea that you are passionate about!
Self-employment on the Internet with Projektify
If you’ve got the taste for it and your fingers are tingling to finally become successful online yourself, then you’ve come to the right place.
Projektify eV offers you a platform for buying and selling web companies and online shops and helps bring the right people together. Take a look at our advertisements and Tips on Selling or post your web project with us! As a non-profit association, we are completely free of charge.
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