Are you looking for freelancers for a project or as a freelancer looking for new jobs? The Projektify Freelance Exchange brings clients and service providers together on one platform! The best thing about it: Advertising and advertising is completely free and uncomplicated for all sites.

This is how the Freelance Exchange works for clients

As a client, you have the opportunity to advertise your current project for freelancers. In the advertisement, you should make sure to explain the most important framework conditions and requirements. You should also define a schedule and budget. This is the only way the freelancer can decide whether he can implement the project with the necessary motivation. In addition, you can determine the urgency for the tendering phase.

What exactly your ad should contain can also be found in the article: “ Call for tenders: tips & tricks “read up.

This is how the Freelance Exchange works for service providers

As a freelancer, you can simply browse through the advertised projects: If you discover a project that interests you straight away, read through the description afterwards. Since clients are required to create this description as detailed as possible, you can decide whether you want to apply for the project or not.

Projektify Freelance Exchange: Direct negotiations between freelancer and client

Projektify only provides the platform for the negotiations. Communication takes place directly and without any detours between the service provider (freelancer) and the entrepreneur (client). And I already mentioned that the service is free.

There are no limits to the jobs that you can find or advertise in the project exchange. In this way, clients and service providers from the IT or engineering sector as well as entrepreneurs and freelancers from creative markets find each other.

Find or create offers in the Freelance Exchange for:

  • IT consultants
  • Software developer
  • Graphic artist
  • Web designer
  • programmer
  • Marketing experts
  • Editors / journalists / bloggers
  • SEO experts
  • App developer
  • and many more!

So why wait? Just register for free , create a project or apply for one of the numerous freelance jobs advertised in the Projektify Freelance Exchange .


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