A domain is used to reach websites. You can of course just enter the IP address like but this is a bit difficult to remember in the long run. That is why domains like www.amazon.de were introduced, which make it easier to use. A domain consists of three parts. Firstly, first-level such as .de .com or .fr and many more. So the ending. On the other hand there is the middle part, for example Amazon, which is the name of what is called. Last but not least, in the third level, which does not always have to be the case, the sub-page such as partnernet.amazon.de can be found Furthermore, there have recently been many other endings such as .tips, .blog, .berlin and many more, which are becoming more and more numerous. A domain can be booked with any provider and is managed by a central domain office in Germany…
You want one Build website and you Self-employed on the Internet do? As a first step, you need a suitable domain. In this article we would like to show you how you can find a domain quickly and easily. Take a look at our lexicon if you want to see the exact definition of a domain. Domain types There are many types of domains on the market. Usually you just want to take your company name and put .de after it. But often these are no longer free. In addition to the common endings, there have recently been other endings such as: .berlin, .shop, .kaffee, .blog and many more. You can now take these without any problems, but they still have to be in the minds of your users and the established endings continue to look more trustworthy. de com net org info biz Finding a suitable domain – SEO?…
First of all, you should look for a suitable platform on which you can sell your domain. On this you will already find many similar domains and you can get an initial margin for your sale. So you have at least one feeling of how similar domains are being sold in your subject area. You can also find initial price estimates in forums. Projektify also has one Forum on which you can ask such a question. We also have one for more information on domains Article with tips for buying domains . Determine the value of the domain We have determined 4 criteria for this: Traffic is the most important criteria. If there is no traffic, the domain is often worthless to the buyers. The ending of the domain is important. .de domains are often the most popular. But the new endings like .bayern or .info can also be exciting.…