
Sell website


You are a blogger and want yours Blog sell after long deliberation or on the spur of the moment? Then Projektify offers you a free platform to implement your project. Unlike other providers, we do not take any commission from the purchase price and do not ask you a cent. Even the tips in our own blog are completely free of charge. Our marketplace is mainly financed by member donations and any advertising income. You can sell these blogs on Projektify: Food blogs Tech blogs Outdoor blog Fitness blogs and many more! Note: Aside from blogs, you can also use any other Sell website with us . In addition, on Projektify you have the opportunity to be professionally supported by one of our partners when selling a web project. Use our service right away ” Web project sales advice “. Selling blog: this is how it works First of all,…

You want to implement your idea on the internet and you need a website for this. You can build these yourself or buy them. In this article we would therefore like to discuss what the differences between the two methods are and what may be worthwhile in your case. Build website Building a website can be very easy, for example if you have a Website construction kit using. However, this is usually not enough for your requirements, since external plugins, etc., cannot be installed. So there is little that you can adjust. We are happy to recommend Wordpress to use and set up the website with an appropriate template and plugin. Once you’ve set up your website, you still have to Find topics and Content bring it to your website. You have to do this too SEO optimize and Backlinks build up. This can take a long time and is…

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