Article spinner? Have you heard of this term before? An article spinner can reformulate texts and thus give the opportunity to use a wide variety of keywords with the same text. Sounds tempting and can certainly help massively that the site ranks better and faster. However, it also has its downsides, so in this article we will discuss whether such an article spinner can make sense for you. First we explain in more detail what an article spinner actually is.

What is an Article Spinner?

An article spinner can transform a text into a completely different text within a few minutes. For example, a text can be used for the keyword: Children’s toys buy cheap such as Children’s toys buy wood be optimized. No additional effort is necessary.

Such a spinner can, for example, rearrange sentences or use synonyms. This is necessary because Google does not include texts of the same type in the index. This is called duplicate content, which means that a certain difference between 2 texts has to be anticipated.

What is the point of an article spinner?

The advantages are obvious: You can create a lot of texts in a very short time and you don’t need to think about new topics for your texts. So you can use it for many keywords. However, this should be treated with caution, as the next paragraph will show.

Where are the risks for SEO?

One thing is clear: Google does not want Article Spinner to be used, as texts are therefore duplicated and it is not guaranteed that they will bring added value for the user. It is clear that text optimized for one keyword is often highly relevant and will decrease in relevance for a second keyword. The Article Spinner can certainly help fundamentally with texts if the keywords are very similar, but it should only be used as an aid. So it is better to write your own texts. We have a few tips for you:

Reading tip: Write blog articles

Alternative: buy finished content

Don’t feel like writing so many articles or are you running out of ideas? Then you can also consider buying an existing website and the Content integrate this into your website. The advantage is that you don’t have to write as many blog articles of your own. So look at it directly in our advertisements ! Maybe you will find a suitable project.

Tip: Take a look at our advertisements!


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