Are you looking for freelancers for a project or as a freelancer looking for new jobs? The Projektify Freelance Exchange brings clients and service providers together on one platform! The best thing about it: Advertising and advertising is completely free and uncomplicated for all sites. This is how the Freelance Exchange works for clients As a client, you have the opportunity to advertise your current project for freelancers. In the advertisement, you should make sure to explain the most important framework conditions and requirements. You should also define a schedule and budget. This is the only way the freelancer can decide whether he can implement the project with the necessary motivation. In addition, you can determine the urgency for the tendering phase. What exactly your ad should contain can also be found in the article: ” Call for tenders: tips & tricks “read up. This is how the Freelance Exchange…
You are the owner of a web project and would like to successfully expand it or you have a question before buying your web project before continuing? We have already put together some tips for you, how you can optimize your web project successfully after the purchase and Tips for starting a new company . Do you want to find the right freelancer? Ask our strong partners ! However, it is not easy to find the right package in the large pool of freelancers and the many different individual services. For this we would like you free help. Also, before you buy, you can often never be 100% sure whether an offer is suitable for you. There are too many freelancers and support portals The career network Xing alone offers over 1 million freelancers for all areas and this is only a fraction of the available freelancers in Germany, Austria…
Various factors play a role in the price of a website Regardless of whether you want to buy a website or sell your web project on Projektify: Price negotiation plays a central role in the process. As a seller you want to achieve the highest possible price, as a potential buyer you want to look as little as possible for the website of your desire. Our will give you a rough overview of whether your asking price is realistic Price calculator for websites . About that, which factors influence the price of a website or a web project , we have already explained in detail in an article. This includes above all the sales already achieved, the traffic, the differentiation from the competition and the further potential. Tips for negotiating prices If you want to negotiate a price, look for realistic sums. Don’t forget that the initiator of the web…
You want to buy a web project but currently don’t have any equity for it. A lack of start-up capital is still one of the main reasons for failure. It is all the more important to know about alternative financing options. You have just found a great web project and now you want to buy it. We will first show you whether it is worth buying your chosen web project at all and then show you how you can afford this financing. Buy a web project – is it worth it? We at Projektify recommend that you take out a loan. However, there are a few things to consider here so that it is worthwhile for you. We have made a calculator for this purpose, which calculates what you can make in terms of profit based on your web project. You should repay the loan up to 10,000, for example,…