Being able to finance their own startup turns out to be one of the most difficult tasks for most entrepreneurs when starting a business. There are various ways to get financial support for your own project.

Are you stuck at a dead end right now? Or are you still planning your first own company, but are you already thinking about finances?

Then in this article you will find a lot of helpful information and tips on how to finance your startup.

Financing startups – different options

You may already be familiar with some of the methods presented here to finance your startup, while others may be completely new to you. We just want to suggest many different options to you. This gives you additional background knowledge in addition to the already known variants and allows you to better compare them with new ones.

Bank loan

Probably the best-known and most classic way to get your startup financed is to use a loan from a banking institution. However, young entrepreneurs often have difficulties in obtaining financing even with a glamorous business plan. Many banks ask for collateral or other means before they are ready to allow assistance. Often, however, this is exactly what startups lack at the beginning. Fortunately, there are a few other ways to get funding smoothly.

Business partner

For example, many start-ups decide to bring a partner on board. If you are passionate about your idea and can transfer this to a possible investor in a so-called pitch, you have a good chance of receiving financial support in this way. Remember, however, that such business partners naturally want to share in your profit in return. So you should carefully weigh up whether such financing is worthwhile for you and, if so, how much. You are ready to give away your winnings.

Your own family

If you can’t find a business partner and can’t get a loan from the bank, you can try to convince your own family or friends to invest with your concept. Especially if you know people who have a high level of equity, you can try your chance here.

However, we strongly advise you to bear in mind that money can have a great influence on relationships and the harmony within a family or a group of friends. So you should always put all your cards face up on the table, especially here. On the other hand, you should only ask for money from people you trust one hundred percent. It is not uncommon for many friendships or families to break out into disputes due to financial uncertainty.


Crowdfunding is still one of the newer ways to finance a startup. Unlike a business partner, you do not receive financial support from just one side, but many different parties invest in your project. Before each crowdfunding campaign, a minimum amount of capital is determined. Then people can invest different amounts in your startup. As a thank you, something in return is often specified in advance.

So if you have an exciting and innovative idea, as well as a startup that attracts the interest of many people, then you should definitely try this variant of financing.

Funding by the state

KfW in particular repeatedly gives grants to start-ups and their startups. If such funding is an option for you, you should definitely ask for information from your house bank. They often spend this kind of funding, but are of course not very interested in disseminating the necessary details. You can also read up on this topic yourself on the KfW website, where you will find a lot of important information under special sections within the startup area.

Finance yourself

Even if it sounds unrealistic at first, you can also finance your startup on your own. There is no question that this may be more tedious, with little start-up capital and maybe more difficult than one of the other options. On the other hand, you have full control and don’t have to share your profit.

The majority of all startups are currently self-financing, even if this is hard to believe. Perhaps one of the reasons why many start-ups sometimes need a little longer to be successful, but then grow all the faster. It is not uncommon for them to learn from this experience how to best use finances to get the most out of them. After all, it is not for nothing that it is said: “If you don’t risk, you won’t win!”

As you can see, we’ve presented you with a number of different ways. Of course, there are many more ways to finance your startup.
However, if you are one step further, maybe ours can also help you Checklist for startup founders help. Or ours too more articles on this topic.

With Projektify to your own startup

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