Do you need help with buying a company? In this article you will not only find out what to look out for when buying a company, but also how purchase advice can support you. These aspects are helpful when it comes to buying a company Many entrepreneurs who buy their own company are fulfilling a long-cherished dream. So that this doesn’t turn into a nightmare right away, it is particularly important as a beginner to carefully examine the offer. There are various parameters that you should definitely pay attention to. Goodwill Sure, the seller would also like to earn something from the sale of his company. Nevertheless, you should be careful not to fall for fraudsters or dubious offers with prices that are far too high. To prevent this from happening, you shouldn’t just estimate the company value. Instead, check the balance sheets for the last 3 years and get…
There is a lot to consider as a founder. You can quickly lose track of things. This is precisely why we explain in this article, with the help of important tips, what you should definitely pay attention to and how self-employment online advice can possibly be of good help to you. How can self-employment online advice help me? You have probably already noticed that there is no ready-made or ideal concept for starting a company. Because every self-employment is structured differently and this always gives rise to different questions. That makes a general answer to important points when starting a business so extremely difficult. This is exactly why it is often worthwhile to invest in self-employment online advice. Start-up experts are usually very experienced consultants who have already experienced many different cases of start-ups and self-employment. In addition to providing specialist knowledge, they can also advise you with their own…
Are you playing with the idea of founding an Internet startup? Then you can find out here what is important! We have put together the basics for you, how you can recognize whether an idea has potential and how to proceed correctly to lead your project to success. Internet startup creation – the most important basics What is actually important when founding an Internet startup? How do I know if my idea is good? Should I do the project alone or does it make sense to share risk and work? How do I find financial support? Question after question that often keeps motivated aspiring entrepreneurs awake. But it doesn’t have to be, because the following basics can be used to quickly find answers. How to start If you are toying with the idea of establishing an Internet startup, three things are particularly important: A good idea, a motivated team and…
Are you about to buy your own company and flirting with one that is still in its early stages? Did you also get the opportunity to breathe your own breath into a company that is still in its infancy? Yes? Then there are definitely a lot of ambiguities that are floating around in your head. Not so easy to introduce a structure or to find an answer to all questions. This is exactly where startup buying advice comes into play. With the help of an expert, you are on the safe side and can look forward to the company acquisition in a relaxed manner. Tasks of a startup buy advice Buying a startup consultation can support you in many different areas on the way to your own company. Among other things at the Evaluation of the offer Determination of the company value Assessment of opportunities and risks takeover Financing and…
Are you wondering how an online tax consultancy can help you set up? Then you can find out everything about the advantages here! Establishing tax consultancy – that’s what it takes for you! As a rule, setting up companies is associated with many challenges. This often applies in particular to tax issues and matters. The mass of specific information, such as the different types of tax, receipts, everything that can be tax deducted or the preparation of a complete and error-free tax return can cost many entrepreneurs a lot of time and nerves. However, especially as a founder, you don’t always have the time to make multiple appointments with a local tax advisor. This is exactly where tax advice on the internet comes in at the right place for your start-up. Here you can ask experts all the important questions quickly and easily, without making an appointment or endless waiting…
Anyone who is considering taking the step into self-employment is often faced with the question of whether this should be done full-time or part-time. But processes such as registering the activity, necessary administrative procedures or completing formalities are often unclear for many young entrepreneurs. If you want to be on the safe side here, you should rely on online advice for your ancillary business. What is the difference between main and secondary business? In Germany there is a general obligation to register a business as soon as an activity with the permanent generation of profit (except for freelancers) is started. At the trade office itself, it initially makes no difference whether you register a main or ancillary trade, since as a rule every activity and every legal form can be carried out as one or the other. Rather, legislators and the social security agencies of the statutory health insurance funds…
Website operators often do not know what obligations they have to face in terms of taxes and filing a tax return. They concern tax law issues as well as other self-employed or entrepreneurs with a part-time activity that brings in profits. In this article we want to summarize in more detail what you have to pay attention to and how tax advice for your website can help you in these matters. Private person with part-time business – tax liability? First of all, it is important that the tax office no longer sees everyone who earns money with a website as a private person, but as a businessperson. Conversely, this means that as soon as you make a profit with your website, you also have to pay tax on your income. Accordingly, you have to pay sales tax, income tax and trade tax. While you have to deal with sales tax…
You dream of founding your own company but actually have no idea what you have to consider. In addition to a Start-up advice online these important steps can also help you with a smooth implementation. 6 important steps in starting a business Even with the right amount of motivation and a good idea, going from zero to one hundred can be a difficult undertaking. Especially when you don’t know what actually needs to be observed and prepared. Step 1: Draw up a business plan If you don’t need a business plan for financing anyway, then you should at least set it up for yourself. Write down your ideas and procedures in a detailed plan. So you never lose track and always know what’s next. In addition, you can react so much better to the unforeseen because you already know exactly the next steps or your capital amount. Step 2: Determine…
Are you in the process of setting up a professional website to match your web project? In addition to a good web host, an appealing design and interesting content, have you also thought of the legal security of your site? No? Then it’s high time. However, if you are not sure what to consider, you should perhaps seek legal advice for your website. Such experts know exactly what is important and an investment can certainly be worthwhile to avoid expensive problems in the long term. Legal advice website So that you are in the picture about which topics you should definitely speak to the legal advice for your website, we have put together the most important ones. data protection Data protection has now become a very important topic. In May 2018 the new GDPR came into force, the violations of the regulation were punished much more severely and with far…
Do you work in the IT industry and are you very familiar with your field? But when it comes to tax matters, do you have the feeling that you can no longer see the forest for the trees? Exactly for this reason it can be helpful to invest in IT tax consultancy! In which areas can IT tax advice help? But which areas of IT can an expert help? Which areas are closely related to tax issues? Many companies and freelancers ask themselves exactly these questions again and again. In order to first clarify whether IT tax advice is even an option for you, we have therefore created this overview. The following service providers should definitely consider investing in such advice: – Manufacturer of software solutions – IT consulting company – hardware manufacturer – programmer – IT project planner and trainer – distributors Your job or your company falls under…