Who doesn’t dream of earning money from home, flexible working hours, being your own boss. More and more people feel spoken from the soul here. But many often lack the inspiration to find the right job. There are tons of business ideas on the Internet. We would like to introduce some of them to you in this article. There is sure to be a suitable option for you too.

7 examples of business ideas on the Internet

There are infinitely many ways and Opportunities to become self-employed online . From success stories to dubious offers, everything is probably represented. In the sea of all these variants, however, some business ideas on the Internet have particularly stood out due to their ease of implementation and the comparatively low risk.

Sell your own products

If you’re a developer type and creative at that, this is a great way to start your own business online. Perhaps you already produce your own products that have not yet made it beyond your family and friends? Then you should definitely make the goods you have produced yourself accessible to other people online. Pages like Dawanda or Ebay in particular make it easy for start-ups to set up their own business.

Offer services

If you have no idea how or at all which products you could offer on the Internet, then you should perhaps consider becoming a service provider. Programmers, copywriters and advertising specialists in particular are always sought after online. If you also have a certain level of experience, motivation and negotiating skills, you have a good chance of becoming successful with this.

to blog

But blogging is also one of the most popular business ideas on the Internet. Especially if you have an affinity for writing and serve a popular niche, you can raise a considerable amount over time by placing external advertisements Passive income to generate.

Write an e-book

Writers can also realize themselves with the help of an eBook. After you have finished your book, you can send it online to the. Offer a chargeable download. Because even as an online author, you can become self-employed and generate income.

Trading in securities

Trading in securities is probably the riskiest of the options presented here. Because although you can earn a lot here, the chance of losing everything is at least as high. However, if you have a knack for doing business like this and have enough capital, then all you need is a little luck and a large portion of self-discipline.

There are now a large number of online brookers where you can trade for a small fee and in real time. The provider 500Plus collects z. B. no commission, because trading is not carried out directly on the exchange itself, but on an intermediate platform.


Who does not know them, the success stories of Facebook and Co. They all started with a motivated young entrepreneur who programmed his dream project himself. If you have the necessary know-how for computer language and have a brilliant idea, this is probably one of all business ideas on the Internet with the greatest potential but also the most difficult implementation.

However, if you look at how intensively and time-consuming social media platforms, game apps and similar programs are used on a daily basis, you can easily deduce the high chances of success here.

Develop your own app

If programming is one of your skills, consider doing a own app to develop. In the gaming sector in particular, apps are more in demand than ever. With a good idea and the necessary know-how, you can realize an exciting project and then earn a lot of money. You can generate income either through the paid download or through advertisements within your app.

Find business ideas on the Internet with Projektify

If you’ve got the taste for it and your fingers are tingling to finally become successful online yourself, then you’ve come to the right place.
Projektify eV offers you a platform for buying and selling web companies and online shops and helps bring the right people together. Take a look at ours Show or post your web project with us now ! As a non-profit association, we are completely free of charge.

But if you want to find out more about the various ways of making money online, we can help you. To do this, just click here .


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