How can I determine my website value? Are you planning to buy a website and wondering what the price is? In this article you will get the answer to your question: “How can I determine the value of a website” using the most important factors for an objective price determination. We show you methods and answer the question: How can I determine my website value. Price calculation factors Basically there are a number of very clear factors that make up the price, ie the value of a website. 1. The SEO metrics 2. The visual impression 3. The market 4. Differentiation and unique selling points to the competition 5. Is the website or company already generating a profit? Determine the website value with SEO metrics For exact details of SEO We already informed about metrics in a previous article. The visibility index, the domain popularity, the rankings in Google, as…
Why should I sell my blog, online shop or website? Why does it make sense as a website operator to sell your own website when you put so much work and time into it? In this article, we would like to explain to you what opportunities and possibilities there are. In addition, on Projektify you have the opportunity to be professionally supported by one of our partners when selling a web project. Use our service right away ” Web project sales advice “. Building and selling a website is worth it! The start phase of a web project requires a certain routine and experience. Potential buyers of a website are often not able to do this work on their own, or they simply do not see it as their area of competence. Rather, investors in existing projects would have to invest some financial capital right from the start in order…
You have a good one Niche side and now want to gild them. This is fundamentally a good idea, niche sites are often a good investment and can be sold at high profits. This article shows you how to convince a buyer, calculate the price and then go through the sales process. Selling a niche site – strong arguments Now you have no more time or you just want to devote yourself to new projects. Selling the niche side is then necessary. To do this, you have to convince a buyer to take them over. This can be easy if the niche site has been bringing you stable profits for a while. Due to the low interest rates, one niche site often makes more Return as a call money account. With the help of our return calculator, you can calculate this fact for the potential buyer and make it palatable…
Want to know how to capitalize on your own website through a sale? Then is the right place for you. However, the processing of the website sale is not easy and definitely not a sure-fire success. So that you can make optimal use of our offer, we want to bring you a little closer to the whole topic with the checklist for selling a website. So you can be sure not to forget anything important when selling Website sale plan with checklist With our checklist you can plan your sale step by step! Download ours too Pricing checklists and inform yourself in articles about the Subject of price negotiations and Website sales . Sell checklist pdf download [werbung] [fotolia]
It doesn’t matter if you buy a website or yours Sell a web project on Projektify would like: The price negotiation plays a central role in the process. As a seller you want to achieve the highest possible price, as a potential buyer you want to look as little as possible for the website of your desire. It gives you a rough overview of whether your asking price is realistic our price calculator for websites. We have already discussed which factors influence the price of a website or a web project explained in detail in a post . This includes above all the sales already achieved, the traffic, the differentiation from the competition and the further potential. In this checklist we have put together the important criteria for finding or negotiating a price. You can download it for free. Pricing checklist download pdf In addition, on Projektify you have the…