Many people are already using the great potential to earn their money on the Internet. Would you also like to earn money quickly and easily on the Internet? Regardless of whether you have your own website or not, we will tell you what possibilities there are to make money.


Earn money with an online shop

Probably the most famous way to make money on the internet is to build one Online shops. You have two options for this. On the one hand, the classic online shop, where you store the goods and send them to the customer after they have been successfully sold. The second option, which has recently been increasing in the online shop industry, is the so-called Dropshipping . Here you get your products directly from the manufacturer. Specifically, this means: After a customer has bought a product in your shop, you order it from the retailer and have it delivered directly to the customer. This can save storage costs.

Tip: You can find all the advantages and disadvantages of the conventional and the new online shop model in our section Online shop tips read up.


Earn money with your own website

If you want to passively earn money with your own website, the top rule to success is: Increase the reach of your website. Only those who can boast a high number of visitors have real chances passive income earn with his website. By promoting products and services from other providers on your website, you earn per click on the advertising banners.

If you serve a certain niche or topic with your website, it is also worthwhile through Affiliate marketing To earn money. This is a commission business in which you advertise products similar to your website topic.

Tip: Would you like to read more about affiliate marketing? Then check out our category Affiliate marketing at.


Make money by selling text and photos

Are you creative and like to write texts? Then this is your chance to turn your hobby into money. Many online companies are looking for talented copywriters for websites on a variety of topics. Well-known platforms include,, and

You don’t like writing, but do you have a talent for photography? Then you can also take advantage of this feature and sell your photos via well-known online platforms such as and


Make money through online surveys

You can make money online even without your own website. Participating in online surveys is a good and particularly simple option. Usually anyone can do this. Restrictions can only result from a certain target group selection. In many cases, the remuneration for online surveys is not paid in cash, but in the form of a voucher for certain online portals. The platform offers a good overview of the best-known market research portals and their form of remuneration


Earn money by testing websites, apps and software

Another method of making money online without having your own website is to test websites, apps and software. As a rule, you test whether the website, app or software in question fulfills the desired goal, is user-friendly or has defects. Well-known providers include,, and

As you can see, there are many different ways to make money online. Here you can get more information about “ Ideas for making money on the internet “.


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