Earning money passively on the Internet is a lucrative thing and more and more niche sites are emerging every day. Now do you want to build a niche site too? We have put together some tips here to help you.
What is a niche
In our Projektify Lexicon you can find more information on what a niche site is. But still want to give you a short definition here: As the name suggests, the niche website focuses on a specific niche that generates revenue. The niche website deals with a specific topic from which a specific target group can be derived.
So you have a very small and very special topic, which deals specifically with a very small target group, which is often not attractive for larger companies because it is too small. An example would be Rubik Cubes, which may have 1000 prospects per month.
1st step: consider niche
How do you find such a niche now? We have put together a few questions for you in the following illustration. You should ask yourself these questions first and answer them for yourself in bullet points. Of course, you can sharpen the answers as your niche page progresses. If we want to find a niche at Projektify, we usually write our idea on a beer mat. A good idea often doesn’t need more space.
Step 2: Find a niche
Now you still have to find the right niche. Enter your ideas on Google and see what you can find in the results. Let us demonstrate this using the example of buying children’s toys. You can see that there are already numerous pages for it. Now scroll down and look up: Related searches about buy children’s toys. Here are suggestions like:
- toys for girls
- toys for boys
- children’s toys from 4
- used toys
Now you enter these suggestions in the Google Keyword Planner. You can see that these keywords have a good search volume. So your niche site could offer specialized toys for boys or girls. You can now choose one of the two. Your domain would then be, for example, Spielzeug-fuer-jungs.de Now you’ve found your niche and you can start right away!
Step 3: find an affiliate
A new business on the Internet is affiliate, which can be implemented great in connection with niche sites. in the Projektify Lexicon Affiliate Marketing is explained in more detail, so here is a short definition: Affiliate marketing describes a sub-area of online marketing. This form of commission business is about earning commission for advertised products or services through your own website.
A good example is Amazon. You can sell Amazon’s products on your website and get a commission for it. A great thing right? You have no risk with buying goods or stress with sending the parcels. However, through your tailored page you have more information about the product than Amazon, which is why your customers prefer to buy it from you. So you can perfectly connect affiliate and your niche. Therefore, always check whether an affiliate program exists for your niche.
Reading tips:
Alternative: Find a niche with Projektify
Are you looking for a niche but you can’t think of anything and the affiliate programs are all already covered by other sites? Then you can just look at Projektify and buy an existing niche site. Then you can build on a good one and the site can usually be bought very cheaply without sales. Take a look at our advertisements!
If you also want to talk to an expert personally on this topic and ask him a few important questions, then you will find ours here “Get rich on the Internet” service .
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