In addition to their main job, more and more people are deciding to become self-employed as a part-time job. In particular, the Internet offers simple but effective opportunities for part-time self-employment. In our article we will show you how part-time self-employment is guaranteed to work on the Internet!

Reading tip: Checklist for part-time self-employment

Step 1: Find ideas for your independence

Basically, when you are self-employed, you first have to think about the area in which you want to set up your company. More precisely, which niche you want to serve. After an extensive brainstorming session, you will surely come across one or the other idea. It is useful to find answers to basic questions such as: What do I want to offer? How do I want to do this? How much effort do I want to invest in this?

Tip: You can find out more about how to find the right niche for your self-employment and how to implement it here in our post.


Step 2: Determine what type of income you want to generate

An essential point that is also related to the generation of ideas is the question of how you would like to generate income through your independence on the Internet. Essentially, you have two options: active or passive income . You usually earn active income by running one Online shops , because you are actively selling goods and services here. On the other hand, you usually generate passive income through Affiliate marketing when on your own Website advertised on other websites. You earn money with every click on the banner ad.

The decision as to which of the two types of income you want to achieve mostly depends on the amount of work you want to do. The online shop is usually more complex because the goods and services have to be shipped. Many therefore prefer the passive way of generating income.

Tip: We’ll give you a detailed overview of the opportunities to become self-employed on the Internet part-time in our blog post. If you are particularly interested in passive income, we recommend our article: Get started on a part-time basis with passive income .


Step 3: Find out about legal regulations

For many, the Internet is still a leisure medium and seems to others. But here too, the legal provisions apply as for “normal” part-time self-employment. You also have to register with the trade office when doing any work on the Internet. You should also find out about the legal form of your company and which taxes and insurance are relevant for you. Depending on the extent of your part-time self-employment, there may be time limits. This depends entirely on your full-time occupation or on your employment contract. You can find everything you need to know about this topic in our article Part-time self-employed – what you need to know.

Tip: Take a look at our advertisements!


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