In social networks And on Google there are numerous results for each keyword and often users do not know which article to click on due to the high number. In order for your articles to have a high click rate, you need good headings. We’ll show you how to find them in this article! Offering added value for users A headline must offer added value that is immediately recognizable and capture the user. There are usually three things your users want. They want time, money or quality. For these three use cases, we will give you examples and some alternative ideas in the following. Not all added value is the same Of course, most blog articles have added value, such as getting more users to the website. This is definitely an added value, but will be drowned in the flood of articles. Therefore you have to combine this with another…
The term Social media is on everyone’s lips these days. Almost everyone of us is on social networks every day. For example, Facebook now has 2 billion users. But why should you use social media for your Website use? The most important aspect is to increase awareness. Furthermore, the important reasons for using it include achieving stronger customer loyalty, improving the image, better access to the target group and reacting quickly to problems. All of these reasons should make it clear to you how important social media is for your website. We have put together a social media checklist that will help you put your strategy together. So that you don’t forget anything and find it easier to get started. Even if you already have a page, you can optimize it with the checklist. Download social media checklist pdf [werbung] [fotolia]
You have yours Niche side or Website and now want to use social networks in addition to traffic from Google? This is a good idea, otherwise you are wasting valuable potential that your competitors could use. Like you in Social media We’ll show you how to get started right in this article. Develop a feeling for the target group In the first step, you should determine your target group. This is always easier said than done. Doesn’t each of us somehow have everyone in Germany as a target group who wants to buy the product or use the service? That is why it is sufficient to set these at a higher level at the beginning. Answer the following questions: Do I sell to companies or private customers? Are my customers older or younger? Do they live anywhere in Germany or is my service more of a big city thing? What…
Facebook is still the largest social network ( Social media ) and a real all-rounder. From business to home users, almost everyone has a Facebook page. Statistics even say that every third German is now active on Facebook. That’s why Facebook continues to be an attractive marketing channel for your website. We would like to show you the 5 steps to the success of your Facebook marketing. Of course, the three steps assume that you have created a Facebook page beforehand. 1. Define the target group First of all, you have to know exactly who you want to address. Of course, there is a chance that your site will go viral and that you will gain thousands of likes through exciting content. However, this is not the rule and you have to invest something in your Facebook marketing. Most of the time, only cats or people who do very stupid…
You have yours Niche idea found and has built your niche site . Now you optimize it for Google and may already have some initial traffic. But you would like to generate more traffic and thus more income. You can use social media for this. In the following we give the tips. Which social media channels are there? There are numerous Social media Channels, however, are often the same 3 large networks. We want to describe this to you and tell you when you can and should use which network. In addition, we will introduce you to 2 other categories. Facebook is probably the largest network and it almost always makes sense to set up a website. Building a fan base can be incredibly tedious and tedious when you rely on one post to get new Facebook likes every few days. We almost always recommend building a page. Twitter is…