Keyword optimization: This is how you climb up in the ranking

You can hear it everywhere keywords, google rankings, keyword optimization. This time we will explain to you what it is all about and how you can use the tool specifically to your advantage.

What does keyword optimization mean anyway?

The term keyword optimization is actually wrong and misleading, because strictly speaking you cannot optimize keywords. However, you can optimize your website specifically for certain keywords, depending on how relevant these are for you and your company.

How do I go about targeted keyword optimization?

Keyword optimization is basically about using and linking keywords on your site in a targeted manner and according to plan. They should be terms that other people associate with your products or with your company. To find these terms, you should think about what potential customers are looking for, i.e. which terms they enter into the search engine to land on your page. You can do this with the help of keyword research using e.g. B. Find out Google Keyword Planner. Most often, short-handed keywords are googled, e.g. B. Terms like “T-Shirt”, which consist of only one word but are also very competitive in the rankings. Depending on how successful your site is, you should therefore consider whether it is better to optimize for mid-tail or long-tail keywords, i.e. searches made up of several words, since you have to fear comparatively less competition and the chances of doing so a good ranking are significantly higher.

What are the advantages of keyword optimization?

As already described, targeted keyword optimization lets you rise higher in the rankings. As a result, you will be shown earlier on Google search results pages (e.g. instead of page 15 on page 2) and the traffic on your site will increase significantly. The higher the number of potential customers visiting your website, the higher the probability that they will buy something from you, which of course increases your sales.

Reading tip: SEO checklist

But: How do I manage to rise in the Google rankings with the help of targeted keyword optimization?

Now, however, you cannot simply randomly scatter suitable keywords on your page. Your page is initially only based on terms such as Rank “T-Shirt” in which you create content with the keyword on your page. Now potential buyers will not only search in this one version, but also enter mid- and long-tail keywords such as “black t-shirt” or “buy t-shirt online” in the search engine. So that these customers also get to your site, it is important that you create many sub-pages on which you also carry out keyword optimization.
The more sections you fill in with suitable keywords, the more likely it is that you will ultimately get a good ranking, that many people will click on your page and your sales will steadily increase.
So you see targeted keyword optimization is an important success factor for your web company that you should not ignore.

Reading tip: Onpage SEO

Reading tip: Offpage SEO

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