“Crowdworking” is a trend that is no longer entirely new. With the following lines we want to shed some light on what it is and whether there are opportunities (for you) in the new form of work.

New working worlds through crowdsourcing

At a higher level, crowdworking is called crowdsourcing. Because here the main thing is to advertise locally unlimited jobs to freelancers. The Internet is the vehicle for bringing creative minds on board, even outside the company walls.

But crowdsourcing is only one component of the trend: Even the work itself is carried out via digital channels in crowdworking. Nobody has to “be on site in the office” with this type of work.

Another aspect of crowdworking is best described by the term itself: It is about letting several people (the crowd) work on a project without acquiring each individual for it.

It all sounds pretty good at first, but depending on what kind of crowdworking job it is, the various aspects are more or less pronounced. In the best case scenario, as a freelancer, you will get great jobs via crowdsourcing that you would otherwise not have gotten. In the worst case, you work off digital 1 euro jobs with which you end up having more work and earning less money than if you were trying to do a cleaning job on a minimum wage basis.

Is crowdworking worthwhile – and if so, for whom?

It is always worthwhile for companies that use crowdworking as a model. On the one hand, the company does not incur any ancillary wage costs that an employee would have to pay; on the other hand, the administrative effort is extremely low, as platforms take on the acquisition and processing between the client and the microjobber.

The negative aspects are more on the side of the crowdworker, who is involved in this activity make money online would like: There is no social security for you as a micro jobber; You even have to pay tax on your income, as these are not mini jobs in the legal sense, but small jobs that you have to state in your tax return – even if it is only a few cents for filling out a survey. Sure, there are tax exemptions up to which income remains tax-free, but you earn a living through micro-jobs (if that’s possible at all), the tax authorities hold their hands on.

Seldom profitable

For the micro-jobber, the small jobs are usually only worthwhile to generate additional income in addition to the main job. But here, too, caution is advised: In order to earn minimal pocket money with crowdworking, which is probably lower than what your parents paid you when you were 10 years old, you already have to fill out some surveys or rate products (classic crowdworking Jobs that are offered via platforms). So keep an eye out for well-paid micro-jobs that require you to think a little more, but also make a little more money. As a pillar of additional income, crowdworking could then definitely pay off for you; at least if the income remains tax-free.

Alternatives to crowdworking

The dream of working from home and not having a boss on the back of your neck is quite feasible. But maybe crowdworking jobs are not the right means to make this dream come true. The internet offers countless opportunities to become self-employed. Reasons or buy an online shop , become a blogger , advertise products with a Affiliate website and generate not only active, but also active in the long term passive income . You can find out more about this in our other articles.


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