Do you want to earn a little extra money and increase your income a little by working online? Our business ideas on the Internet show you what is possible online.

In particular, opportunities to earn money away from the offline world are becoming increasingly popular, as they can be implemented by practically anyone and often offer promising profit opportunities. Since they can often be carried out comfortably from home and part-time, the number of business start-ups on the Internet has been rising continuously for years.

Business ideas on the internet

If you too want to join the ranks of young online entrepreneurs, but are still looking for the right idea, then the hesitation is over now.

online trade

One of the best known and most widespread ways to earn income on the net is certainly online trading. Many start their careers on the Internet with the Sales of own products or the resale of third-party goods. The number of sales transactions on the Internet is still increasing every year and the demand is therefore not falling. In addition, online trading is relatively easy to implement and learn thanks to platforms such as Ebay, DaWanda and Co. By using these portals, the seller is provided with a marketplace so that marketing only has to take place in limited quantities. But even with a completely separate sales department and with the help of a website, the necessary know-how can now be quickly learned and incorporated Online shop can be launched relatively easily.

Digital products

If you have thought about business ideas on the Internet, you may also want to develop an online course, for example in the form of a video or writing a guide in the form of a eBooks came to mind.

Not a bad idea! Because you can also earn money online with the creation of digital products. Users are constantly looking for expertise and advice on the Internet. So if you have the necessary specialist knowledge in a certain subject area, you can earn a considerable amount of money by selling digital products.


But you can also earn money online with the creation of texts. Many companies now operate blogs on their websites, which have to be filled with new articles on a regular basis. But the content of the homepages themselves must of course be developed and updated at some point. Since many entrepreneurs do not want to do this work themselves, copywriters on a fee basis are still in demand.

Freelancer With an affinity for writing, people are often looking for contributors to eBooks, to correct scientific work, in editing, for marketing measures or to create product descriptions.

Software solutions

For many Internet users, programming and the associated knowledge still have the character of a foreign language and are therefore always in great demand. If you are familiar with software solutions, you can offer your services online for a fee. Cloud-based applications in particular are increasingly in demand and are increasingly displacing the standard solutions that are still widely used and are available for free download everywhere.

But that also belongs to the group of software Develop apps . In the gaming sector in particular, apps are more in demand than ever. With a creative and innovative idea and the necessary background knowledge, you can earn a profitable amount of money. You can earn your income either through the paid download or through advertisements within your app.

Own website

One of the business ideas on the Internet is also the Operation of your own website . Anyone who can generate a lot of traffic, a loyal community and a large reach here has the opportunity to build an income through partnerships, cooperation and advertising measures such as affiliate, Adsense or display marketing.

Especially if you have an affinity for writing and, for example, serve a popular niche with your own blog, you can generate a considerable amount of passive income over time by placing external advertising.

Business ideas on the Internet with Projektify

Especially if you like our last opportunity of business ideas on the Internet, namely your own website, then our association is exactly the right contact. As a free platform, we at Projektify not only offer our users regular articles and blog entries on current topics in online business, such as Part-time self-employment , Passive income and much more. S.On the other hand, we also take care of the purchase and sale of web projects of various kinds on our side and also offer further support in precisely this area. So if you are interested in acquiring a web project, take a look at ours for more details Show !

But even if you want to sell an existing web project, we can support you. With us you can create a sales offer for free. To do this, just click here .


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