Would you like to really get started with a website and generate income? On passive income Having a web project is a very good alternative in times of low interest rates. You often don’t have the time to start from scratch, so it can be worthwhile to buy an existing website and then monetize it. In the article we explain the opportunities and risks and show you some approaches how you can monetize them. Opportunities: buy existing website Buying an existing website definitely has the advantage that you don’t have to start from scratch and can already buy a tried and tested web design or initial traffic. This means that important criteria for monetization are traffic and web design. Because if I am nobody on your side, nobody can use your monetization measures. Getting traffic to your website is often difficult and takes a lot of time and nerves. So…
You are the owner of a web project and would like to successfully expand it or you have a question before buying your web project before continuing? We have already put together some tips for you, how you can optimize your web project successfully after the purchase and Tips for starting a new company . Do you want to find the right freelancer? Ask our strong partners ! However, it is not easy to find the right package in the large pool of freelancers and the many different individual services. For this we would like you free help. Also, before you buy, you can often never be 100% sure whether an offer is suitable for you. There are too many freelancers and support portals The career network Xing alone offers over 1 million freelancers for all areas and this is only a fraction of the available freelancers in Germany, Austria…
Extension and optimization of content pages and affiliate projects You have bought a web project, you have all the data you need and now you really want to get started, expand your potential and sales and optimize your website after the purchase. You have certainly thought about your plans for the project in advance – but so that you can get a few more pointers, we will give you a few tips in this post. Depending on what your web project is about, you should try to expand the existing areas. If your web project is based on content, i.e. informative content, you will generate your sales primarily with monetization through Google Adsense or various affiliate advertising banners and deep links. In order to achieve the highest possible income here, you have to keep the traffic constant and ideally expand it. This is the only way you can motivate enough…
Importance of blogs for websites You have probably already noticed that most websites, regardless of the area, have their own Blog to have. We at Projektify too, of course – you’re reading this one right now. And of course the whole “blogging” doesn’t happen completely without reason. In the following we would like to show you a few reasons why the use of a Blog on your website is so important. Content is king Traffic is important to your website. If your website isn’t getting visitors, you can’t sell products or make money from affiliate marketing. That’s why many website owners write a blog. This has two key advantages. SEO benefits With a lot of text you can rank for relevant keywords on Google and attract as many visitors to your site. You can also get so-called informative customers with blog articles. Example: What should be considered when buying a…
You have registered on Projektify, found a suitable web project for your needs, negotiated a good price and now you have all access data, files and information from the seller. There you are now and of course you want to continue successfully and make a good start in your new company. In this article, we will give you 3 clues and tips so that your start in the new company will be a complete success and you will not regret the step. Understand the processes and contexts of your website You can only identify and implement optimization potential if you analyze all relationships correctly. Occupied yourself down to the smallest detail with everything that defines your new website or your company in terms of web projects. Don’t change too much at once – Never change a winning team Sure – you bought the web project because it is already running…