Would you like to really get started with a website and generate income? On passive income Having a web project is a very good alternative in times of low interest rates. You often don’t have the time to start from scratch, so it can be worthwhile to buy an existing website and then monetize it. In the article we explain the opportunities and risks and show you some approaches how you can monetize them.
Opportunities: buy existing website
Buying an existing website definitely has the advantage that you don’t have to start from scratch and can already buy a tried and tested web design or initial traffic. This means that important criteria for monetization are traffic and web design. Because if I am nobody on your side, nobody can use your monetization measures. Getting traffic to your website is often difficult and takes a lot of time and nerves. So you can save a lot of the work if you choose your website correctly. Which brings us to the risks.
Risks: Buying an existing website
As mentioned before: It is important to choose your website correctly. There will always be a certain amount of risk involved when buying. Therefore, you have to take a close look at the buyer and examine the web project very carefully. See if it meets your requirements and offers you exactly what you need. Let the user numbers or the traffic show you exactly through e.g. Google Analytics. You can examine the SEO data with the help of SEO tools. Particular attention should be paid to “Black SEO”. Because this is punished by Google. The most important SEO criteria can be found on our blog. Since your most important criterion for monetization is traffic, you should pay attention to it and of course the SEO as well as the reach in social networks, as these are elementary for the traffic.
Buy and monetize existing website
Now you have found your website and bought it successfully. You now have some traffic (we recommend at least 1000 visitors per month) and you can start the project: monetization. You have various options for this:
- Werbung
- Affiliate links
- Own products
- Improve and sell again
- donate
You can choose between these five options. Of course there are other alternatives, but these 5 are probably the best known. They are basically easy to assess: you have to decide for yourself what is suitable for your website. If you have a rather non-profit website, donations are worthwhile. Affiliate links are usually worthwhile for a blog and advertising for strong content sites. Own products involve a lot of effort and are usually only worthwhile with the right idea. Of course, you can also simply improve the website and sell it again for a higher price.
Projektify helps you!
At Projektify you can find some websites and buy them directly. We don’t charge you any commission or fee. We look forward to seeing you in look at our ads! In addition to the free service we offer you a few more Unique selling points like a secure sale and a pool of experts who will help you with the purchase.
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[werbung] [fotolia]