A study by the Bonn Institute for SME Research (IFM) has shown that a good quarter of the self-employed in SMEs are older than 55 years. Every year around 71,000 companies look for a successor for the company, but the rate of those who find one is shockingly low. Are you one of them or are you currently looking for a company that you can take over? Many speak Reasons to buy or Selling an established company ! However, finding a company succession is not an easy task! Company succession is also the creation of an exit Corporate succession is becoming fashionable. The Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn estimates for the period from 2014 to 2018 that corporate succession will be relevant for around 135,000 family businesses (around 4% of all family businesses). This results in a number of 27,000 company successions per year. In the period between 2010 and…
The desire to sell your own company can have a wide variety of causes: We already have in the last article discussed in detail. And surely you have your own personal reason too, if you made it to this blog post. However, as individual as the reasons for selling a company are, the things that should be considered when handling corporate succession are clear. You will find out what these are if you read on. Sell a company – but how? If you want to sell your company, you first need a prospective buyer. Ads in industry newspapers and advertisements on platforms such as Projektify are suitable for this. With both variants you reach numerous potential investors and buyers of companies. At Projektify it works like this: You simply register for free and create an advertisement – also free of charge – in which you explain the background and already…
You are a sole proprietor and after much deliberation you decided to sell your company. We do not want to go into the reasons, which can be of different nature, at this point – rather we want to help you with this article, the Company sale to be handled easily and smoothly. Special case of sole proprietorship Unlike a company – for example the popular limited liability company (GmbH) – a sole proprietorship is not legal person . A sole proprietorship is all about a natural person, namely the entrepreneur himself. In contrast to a corporate form, no other partner can participate in a sole proprietorship through a partnership agreement. In this respect, as a sole trader, you cannot sell your shares in the company, but only the so-called Economic goods. Asset deal: In the case of sole proprietorships, only assets are sold For example, are you a website operator…
Many are almost exclusively concerned with starting a new company. Few are interested in taking over an existing company, but this has many advantages. We already have this in explained in another article . Also help for one To find corporate succession can be found in our blog. Now we would like to explain to you what it actually means to take over a company. You can’t buy trust With company succession, i.e. with the continuation of an existing company, you already get a workforce as well as market position, explicit knowledge and supplier and customer relationships. When you take over a company in an established company, you first have to prove your skills and gain the trust of customers, suppliers and employees. You can’t just buy this trust; you have to fight hard for it. However, there is a certain basic trust and you don’t have to start from…
The term Social media is on everyone’s lips these days. Almost everyone of us is on social networks every day. For example, Facebook now has 2 billion users. But why should you use social media for your Website use? The most important aspect is to increase awareness. Furthermore, the important reasons for using it include achieving stronger customer loyalty, improving the image, better access to the target group and reacting quickly to problems. All of these reasons should make it clear to you how important social media is for your website. We have put together a social media checklist that will help you put your strategy together. So that you don’t forget anything and find it easier to get started. Even if you already have a page, you can optimize it with the checklist. Download social media checklist pdf [werbung] [fotolia]
The boss is stressed, the work is not fun and somehow the well-known “groundhog” greets you every day. In addition, fixed-term contracts and the threat of mass unemployment in the future are further reasons to step into the independence ponder. The work doesn’t get any less, but in such a case you are your own boss and you can respond to changes in the market and society yourself without being dependent on a supervisor. But every beginning is difficult – in many cases there is simply a lack of a good idea that is worth pursuing with the intention of making a profit. Buying a small business can be the solution at this point. At Projektify you will not only find exciting purchase offers but also further assistance for self-employment. Buy a small business and become your own boss From a tax point of view, businesses are referred to as…
You don’t always have to have failed with your idea to make the decision to sell your own company that has been painstakingly built up. In the case of a GbR, one or more shareholders often just want to devote themselves to new tasks or enjoy a well-earned retirement. Often, private reasons also play a role that lead to the sale of a company. However, there are different factors to consider for every company structure, which are important when handling a handover. The GbR in particular is a special case from a legal point of view. Special case GbR sale A company under civil law ( G bR) can of course be sold. But: Strictly speaking, the GbR is not a company in the sense of the German Commercial Code. Companies are by law ( § 17 Section. 1 HGB) is reserved for merchants or trading companies. And the GbR…
The time has come! You want to sell or buy a web project, domain or company. Now it is necessary to draw up a valid sales contract and to get the deal wrapped up with the buyer / seller. We have provided you with a few samples for this purpose, which you can use as a guide. Of course, these do not replace valid legal advice, but they can certainly offer you an initial orientation. We recommend either adapting these yourself or discussing them with a lawyer. All sales contracts are regularly checked for harmful software. So you can download them safely. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology as part of the “IT Security in Business” task force. Sales contract domain When buying, selling, transferring and leasing domain names – similar to real estate – there are some formalities to be observed. Because in…
As is so often the case, you are sitting in the office at your job and actually it suits you, but you are thinking about how you can build up a second mainstay on the Internet in addition to your job and increase your income a bit as a part-time job? In this article, we’ll show you a few ways you can get started with passive income! Reading tip: Checklist for part-time self-employment Build an online shop The first option would be to get you one Online shop as a second mainstay on the Internet. You can buy products cheaply and sell them again. The main task will be setting up your online shop as well as marketing and logistics. In addition to the full-time job, this is often quite a burden, which is why we don’t want to list this for you, but want to bring you closer to…
There can be various reasons for wanting to sell your own company. The cause does not always lie in one Failure of your own entrepreneurial idea . After years of nerve-wracking and time-consuming building up a company, entrepreneurs often simply want to set different priorities in their own lives. A right that every entrepreneur can avail himself of without a guilty conscience. On the other hand, there are interested buyers and investors who want to buy an already existing idea, an existing company. More supply than demand But if you look at the common company exchanges on the Internet, you quickly notice that there are clearly more offers for sale than want to buy Platforms gives. It is not just the lack of demand that entrepreneurs are exposed to: for their own idea, which has required a lot of blood, sweat, tears and renunciation, you naturally want to achieve a…