It seems so easy and at the same time the beginning is so difficult: blogging. If you are just at the beginning of your blogger career and stuck in a dead end, then our tips on blogging for beginners may serve as a guide for implementing a successful online project. What should I even write about? Before you can really start your career as a blogger, you first have to decide on a topic that you want to communicate about in your articles. It is best to find a topic that interests you and for which you can demonstrate background knowledge. So you don’t lose fun or ideas while writing and your readers can also benefit from a reliable source. Blogging Tips for Beginners Then it’s time to write your first articles. There are some tips on blogging for beginners that can make getting started a lot easier. Meaningful headlines…
Ever heard of passive income as a source of income? Whether yes or no, here you will find all the information you need to know how you can earn money online without working. Imagine if you could pursue all your favorite activities after work, sleep as long as you want on the weekend too, stop thinking twice about every euro and still earn extra money. Sounds like a dream? But it doesn’t have to be. With the establishment of a second pillar for passive income, this can quickly become a reality. How does passive income work? Passive income describes an income opportunity on the Internet that, after a certain start-up time, generates income independently and regularly. Once you have set the framework for your online business and prepared and built your business, you can easily generate a few hundred to a thousand euros in income every month. Passive income can…
If you have been thinking about starting a business for a long time, sooner or later you will have to deal with the costs of setting up a start-up. You can find out what you can expect from this in this article. Founding a start-up requires not only a good concept and a lot of courage, but also a considerable amount of financial resources. It is often difficult for start-ups to keep an eye on all costs and to get an overview of the price range. That is exactly why we have summarized the most important information about the start-up costs of a start-up for you. Start-up costs for a start-up Even if you have not yet reached the formal establishment of your future existence, there are already costs. First of all, it is important to distinguish between real costs on the one hand and investments on the other. Cost…
We all want to make a lot of money and do as little as possible, right? Building passive income can make that dream a reality. You have probably read a lot online about the ideas of how to build passive income. We have also created a separate article on our website on many different options for passive income. However, it is often not that easy to implement these suggestions profitably and to stay on the ball. Therefore, in this article, we would like to give you some tips and tricks that you should definitely pay attention to in your online business. What was passive income again? Passive income describes a source of income that becomes a sure-fire success, so to speak. Of course, you cannot earn any money here without any effort. But in contrast to a normal job, where you have to continuously work actively for your wages, with…
For many, reading blogs has become part of a relaxed way of spending their free time. The people behind it not only write about a wide variety of topics, but are mostly normal people themselves without any special journalistic training. If so Your own blog has long been an option for you, then you will receive valuable tips here on how to implement one successfully. A separate blog is being implemented Anyone who has ever dealt with the topic of blogging in more detail will have noticed that many questions arise, especially at the beginning. Where can you create your blog? Which portals are there? What topic should you write about and how do you attract the right target group? Questions upon questions, the answers of which we are trying to get to the bottom of here. Find the right portal The decision for the right portal is the first…
Being able to finance their own startup turns out to be one of the most difficult tasks for most entrepreneurs when starting a business. There are various ways to get financial support for your own project. Are you stuck at a dead end right now? Or are you still planning your first own company, but are you already thinking about finances? Then in this article you will find a lot of helpful information and tips on how to finance your startup. Financing startups – different options You may already be familiar with some of the methods presented here to finance your startup, while others may be completely new to you. We just want to suggest many different options to you. This gives you additional background knowledge in addition to the already known variants and allows you to better compare them with new ones. Bank loan Probably the best-known and most…
When the main job does not bring in a satisfactory salary, but there is little time to earn extra part-time work, many are faced with a dilemma. Creating passive income online could be the solution. For all of you who are wondering how exactly this works and what you should consider, there are the answers here. What is passive income anyway? Passive income describes a principle in which, after some preliminary work, you generate income from a certain point in time without providing any further input. An example of this is the placement of external advertisements on your own homepage. After the publication of such marketing measures, they run by themselves. Without further ado, you now receive a fixed fee from the client at regular intervals. Even if it sounds like creating passive income is so easy, there are still some hurdles to overcome and some tips to consider. We…
If something is currently trending, it is Apps . We have them in abundance on our end devices and use them almost every day. A good basis to switch from the user to the provider side and generate a lucrative income with your own app. Unfortunately, it is not always enough to simply offer an app for download in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. In order to make your product known, some strategic measures have to be taken. You can find out here how exactly you can do your marketing and which tips can be helpful in marketing! Income with your own marketing app In order to make your product successful and generate an income with your own app, the marketing has to be right. In the following we explain to you what is particularly important. Tagging When choosing to download new apps, most users use the…
Founding a startup is not easy. Because if there is one thing that is particularly important in addition to passion, motivation and a tough work ethic, then it is probably the one brilliant idea. The right innovative thought at the right time probably plays the biggest role when it comes to a startup’s potential for success. If you also get stuck right here, then this article is the right place for you. Founding a startup – when it’s worth it Founding a startup is not the right path to success for everyone. Because such a step can harbor various opportunities and risks that you as a founder should be able to deal with. Which exactly are we explain here: opportunities Startups often have a family character. Often you work with a few other people. Everyone knows each other, everyone pulls together and pursues the same goals. Communication and decision-making channels…
We hardly ever put the smartphone down. Numerous apps on it are a reason for this. So why not use this state to profit from it? If you are also interested in how you can make money with your own app, then you should read on now. Earning money with your own app can be a lucrative business. In Germany alone, more than 1/4 of all residents use apps on their smartphones every day. Worldwide, people have installed an average of 33 apps per device ( Considerable numbers that encourage more and more developers and tinkerers to enter this market themselves. Earn money with your own app If you want to join this series too, there are various options to successfully generate an income (Incidentally, here you can find out more about other options for making money online ). Paid app The classic among the various sales versions is the…