


Would you like to earn money quickly and seriously on the Internet? Affiliate marketing is the easiest way to earn money online without much effort. Many website owners have already recognized the great potential of affiliate marketing and are successfully implementing it. In our article we will show you what you have to pay attention to and which steps are recommended. Make money with affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing describes a commission business in which you generate income by promoting products or services from other providers on your website. In contrast to conventional banner advertisements, as the so-called affiliate partner, you only receive a commission if the provider was able to sell his product successfully or if the company has another success stipulated in the contract. You can find a detailed description of the individual forms of commission in affiliate marketing in our lexicon read up. Step by step to the…

In 2016, the European Parliament passed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This will come into force on May 25, 2018. The new regulation of data protection law affects all entrepreneurs in the European Union. What is also new is that entrepreneurs who are based outside the EU must also observe the GDPR. This was not the case before. The aim of the regulation is to standardize the processing of personal data by private companies and public bodies across the EU. The regulation replaces Directive 95/46 / EC from 1995. This was entitled: Protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and laws on the free movement of data. You can find tips for implementation in the Projektify blog. [werbung] [fotolia]

Certainly there is also one or the other acquaintance in your circle of friends who can improve his income a little through various earning opportunities on the Internet. Earning money online is no longer an exception and more and more people are discovering the potential behind it. If you’ve got a taste for it and more on the subject Passive income and want to find out about the various earning opportunities on the Internet, then you’ve come to the right place. What is passive income? Passive income is basically income that earns itself, so to speak. Of course, you can’t make any money just lying on the couch. The generation of passive income also requires work and sometimes not a little. Unlike a normal job, where you actively earn money, here you usually do the work in advance. Afterwards, your sources of income are usually a sure-fire success that requires…

Would you like to earn something on the side and get rich through the internet? If you are toying with the idea of building your own website, this article will provide you with valuable tips on how you can generate passive income through your own website. Passive income through your own website – what does that mean? If you are not at all sure what passive income actually means, then here is a little digression: Passive income is, as the name suggests, income that is earned passively, i.e. without any active involvement. Of course you can imagine that this may not be so 100% true – but almost! With passive income, you first build up your earning potential to such an extent that you then regularly generate income without doing anything great. For example, by building a website and then placing advertisements. The advertising then earns you a monthly amount…

Many people are already using the great potential to earn their money on the Internet. Would you also like to earn money quickly and easily on the Internet? Regardless of whether you have your own website or not, we will tell you what possibilities there are to make money. Earn money with an online shop Probably the most famous way to make money on the internet is to build one Online shops. You have two options for this. On the one hand, the classic online shop, where you store the goods and send them to the customer after they have been successfully sold. The second option, which has recently been increasing in the online shop industry, is the so-called Dropshipping . Here you get your products directly from the manufacturer. Specifically, this means: After a customer has bought a product in your shop, you order it from the retailer…

Many start-ups come to the point at which they want to give up their business. The search for a company succession can have many reasons. Sometimes it is due to lack of time or excessive demands. At other times, the entrepreneur is only interested in making a profit by selling. Often, however, there are also motives such as retirement, illness or other personal reasons. No matter why you decide to transfer your company to someone else. Here you will find tips on how to find the right person for it. Am i ready for a successor? Before you think about where and how you can find a successor, you should first make sure that you are ready for it. Question your reasons for looking for a company successor very carefully. Such a decision is final and can have long-term consequences. If you are not ready internally to give up your…

Online business is a very popular type today easy and quick to earn money. Numerous options from your own blog to an online shop make this possible for everyone. But online business also has its pitfalls. Legal traps and regulations are hidden in many corners. In our article, we would like to point out two important legal pitfalls that can await you with the common earning opportunities with your own website. Advertising banners and affiliate marketing A very popular and easy way to make money is by promoting other providers’ products or services on your own website. Here, between the switching of advertising banners, for example via programs such as Google Adsense and the Affiliate marketing differentiated. In any case, it is extremely important to read the terms of the contract carefully. Various programs require mentioning in the imprint or elsewhere on the website. These include, for example, Google…

Are you looking for a company successor and don’t know where to find it? It doesn’t matter what moves you to take this step. Ultimately, all that counts is that you find a suitable successor at all. That is why this time we will show you where there are suitable offers for company succession. So you can leave your project in someone else’s hands without any worries. Offers via follow-up exchanges The easiest way to find company succession offers is through successor exchanges. These websites offer buyers and sellers a platform to get to know each other. On many of these portals, both want-to-buy and offers-to-sell can be posted. Since there are many interested parties on one site, you have a good chance of finding a suitable successor. In the following we would like to introduce you to the most famous successor exchanges in Germany. Nexxt change With around 800…

Do you no longer have time for your online company or have to give it up for other reasons? Problems with corporate succession are not uncommon. In this article we will tell you more about it and give tips on how to avoid these obstacles. The biggest problems with corporate succession Problems with corporate succession often have a variety of causes. Not least, this is often due to the fact that many entrepreneurs place high demands on their successors and these in turn often feel that they are not sufficiently respected. In order to unite both sides, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at the most common problems and the appropriate solutions. The lack of willingness It is not uncommon for successful company successions to fail due to the willingness of the entrepreneur. Sometimes they actually feel internally not at all ready to give up their business. They…

A featured snippet is a highlighted search element that tries to give as direct an answer to the search query as possible within a so-called answer box. For the snippet, Google picks out a section of the website and places it at the top before the organic search results and is therefore also referred to as position 0. The aim of the featured snippet is to provide an even faster response to search queries. Ideally, the user doesn’t even have to visit the website to get an answer. For example, if you enter the word SEO into Google, a short explanation of the term will appear highlighted in a rectangle. The featured snippet is controversial for website operators, since ideally the user doesn’t even have to visit the website to get an answer. Nevertheless, the featured snippet can improve your site’s traffic. If your website conquers the Featured Snippet, your…

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