In addition to an innovative idea, the right communication is essential to expand the reach of your startup company. You can find out everything you need to know about successful communication in our article! Website First of all, you should care about the design and content of your Website take care, because building this is critical to the success of yours Startups . As a rule, the potential customer decides within seconds based on the presented website whether he finds it appealing and convincing. As in all areas of communication, the definition of the right target group also plays a decisive role here. First, ask yourself the following questions: Who do I want to reach with my product or service? What are the characteristics of these people and what design do I convince my target group with? Depending on the choice of your target group, you can make your…
Would you like to set up your own startup company and don’t know how to proceed? In this post, we’ll tell you 5 tips on how to found your own successful startup! Tip 1: find an idea The first step to yours Startup First of all, you have to find an innovative idea. As a rule, there are two approaches: You can find a solution to an existing problem or you can further develop an already existing idea. The first variant has proven to be a tried and tested method of successfully founding a start-up. But your startup can also lead to success in the further development and improvement of an existing idea. Customer feedback on existing products and services plays a major role here. The question here is: what improvement does the customer want? Tip 2: choose the type of company After you have found an innovative idea…
How many others have you also decided to go self-employed on the Internet but you don’t really know how to do it? No problem! In our article, we will show you which options are available on the Internet. Reading tip: Checklist for part-time self-employment First step: How do I want to generate income? First of all, the question arises like you Money on the internet want to earn money through your self-employment. Basically, you have two options: active or passive income. With active income, you receive remuneration through your active time work. For example, you get active income as an employee. In the case of passive income, you do not generate income through active work, but rather you make a one-time investment and thereby receive regular income without continuing to work. You can also find a detailed explanation of passive income in our Projektify Lexicon . From this explanation you…
Different ways to make money on the internet Earning money online, being your own boss, and the whole thing, preferably legally, from your home PC or from the beach: many consider this to be crazy, but making money online, and thus free from anywhere in the world, is definitely possible possible. In this post we explain the different possibilities for both passive as well as active income on the internet there. Earn money online with your own website A great way to make money online is to have your own website. This can be a blog, for example Online shop or be a niche site. By visiting the website using Affiliate links, Performance advertising (e.g. Google AdSense, or InText advertising (e.g. from Adiro ) monetize, you can generate income from your website. The amount of this income depends on how often your website is visited and how often the visitors…
Would you like to build a niche website or run an extensive online startup? You just ask yourself: How exactly do I proceed? Using the example of theoretical and practical examples from Projektify, we want to show you how to best proceed when setting up your web project. The startup idea In the first step, of course, you need a concrete idea. For example, just pick up a good glass of red wine, sit down in your favorite armchair and start thinking. In order to get good ideas, you can simply take a look around your environment: What is currently bothering you or what things are you currently missing in your environment? It is important that your idea is not too big at the beginning and ideally covers a small niche. There you have less competition, you can quickly get customers and first successes as well as the important keywords…
New ideas arise every day and many of them make the world a little or big better. But as the saying goes: More is always possible! There is probably a new Uber for something every minute, a Tinder for something or an Industry 4.0 startup that is revolutionizing the world. But what actually happens to all of these ideas? 9 out of 10 are supposed to fail. Most of the time, they’ll likely just be pulped again. It makes a lot of sense Startup Sell idea. Implement startup idea The procedure is always the same. You write a short, one-sided business plan and then start implementing it straight away. In the case of web ideas, a Wordpress put on and get started. Install the template and put the appropriate plugins on it. Now a fitting text. Oh yes… Logo and name. If you can’t think of anything, you can always…
No longer having to work, but still make money online ? The new technologies make it possible! But first of all: the whole thing doesn’t work without any work. In order to get to the point where active and passive income becomes, a lot of time investment is necessary. The good news: There are abbreviations! Passive Income On The Internet: Definitions & Opportunities Passive income describes a flow of money that feeds itself autonomously. Specifically: Instead of continuing to get your hands dirty, you let an investment work for you. In the offline world this can be, for example, a rented condominium or a block of shares – online passive income is primarily generated through existing websites. Passive income with a niche side A great way to make passive income on the internet is a niche site. By creating a web project on a specific topic and generating traffic, i.e.…
Make Money From Website: The Best Ways To Monetize Do you have your own website and now want to get the hosting and server costs back in? Maybe you founded the web project on purpose with the background in mind make money online ? No problem: In this post we list the most effective ways to monetize your website sustainably. Option 1: display advertising Classic display advertising is a good way to earn money with your website. Here you place advertising banners in specific places on the website to get people to click on them. With a cost-per-click (CPC) billing model, you get money for every single click. How high the compensation per click is depends on the respective program. The quality and reach of your website can also be decisive in terms of CPC compensation. Popular CPC providers are, for example, Google AdSense, eBay relevance ads , Adiro and…
Do you remember when you founded your GmbH or UG? It was certainly the same for you at first: You leave the office at midnight and the euphoria is so great that you work 16 hours a day. But now you realize that it is no longer the best and you want to dissolve the GmbH. This can have various reasons such as reorientation, failure, health or you are simply going into a well-earned retirement. We’ll show you how to do it! What is a GmbH? The GmbH belongs to the corporations. It is suitable for anyone who wants to limit liability. The GmbH is founded by at least one partner. For the “one-person GmbH” the same provisions apply as for a “normal” GmbH. The articles of association must be notarized. The GmbH is a legal person. This means that the company itself and not its shareholders acts as a…
If you want to buy a company, you need capital. A lack of start-up capital is still one of the main reasons for failure. It is all the more important to know about alternative financing options. You are currently looking to buy a great company and are faced with the challenge of having found a smart idea, but not having the capital or a large network to implement the purchase. We’ll show you 3 ways how you can get money and finance your company safely. 1. Buy a company with little equity In the first case, we assume that you have saved at least a little something. A rule of thumb says: if you want to buy a company, you should include 15 to 20 percent of the purchase price Equity finance. The rest can be done through so-called Subsidiary chapter cover. If external investors support you without asking for…