Are you tired of getting up early every morning and making your way to your unloved job? You can’t get along with your boss and in general you don’t enjoy your job anymore? Then it is high time to change your job and why not start your own business online?

Change of job to online self-employment

If you are self-employed online, you are not only your own boss, but you can usually work comfortably from home, organize your day freely and do not even need a lot of know-how for most income opportunities on the Internet. If all of this sounds tempting to you, then you should definitely read on. In addition to the strongest arguments for online self-employment, we have also examined the dark sides of this business for myself
So you can easily form your own judgment and decide for yourself whether a job change is an option for you.

Ideas for changing jobs

If you are sure that you want to start your own business on the Internet, then you have a large selection of different options. We would like to briefly introduce some of them here so that you can get a more detailed picture. If you want to find out more about the individual earning opportunities, simply click on the heading of the corresponding variant.

online shop

A classic part of being self-employed is of course opening an online shop. Here you can offer either your own or third-party goods for sale without having to offer business premises.


Dropshipping is similar to an online shop. Instead of selling third-party goods entirely yourself, you offer them online via your business website, but if you place an order, inform your dealer, who will store the goods for you and send them directly to your customer. In this way, for a fee for the dealer, you can save not only storage space, but also shipping costs.

Affiliate marketing

With affiliate marketing you help your. To sell commercial partners their goods, in which you are on your page for their articles and set corresponding links to the partner page. Customers can only purchase the products through your partner, but you will make them aware of the goods.

Adsense / Display Marketing

If you don’t want to sell anything but still want to make money online, you can do so using your own website. With Adsense or Display Marketing you can rent free space on your site for the placement of external advertising banners. With the Adsense program, Google will assign you suitable ads based on your niche. However, if you prefer to use display marketing, you have to design and place the banners yourself.


Or maybe you like writing and you can imagine running your own blog. If you find a suitable and sought-after niche and can build up a regular readership through regular and exciting content, your site will quickly become attractive to advertising partners who offer you cooperations to boost your own business.

Develop app

If you are more of the developer type and also technically gifted, creating an app for you may also be an option. Business with apps is booming, especially in the gaming sector, where you can earn money either through advertising within your app or by downloading it for a fee.

Tips for changing jobs

In spite of everything, always keep in mind that there are many fraudsters on the Internet. Pages that promise horrific sums for little work are mostly dubious and a bad scam. But also portals that charge high sums for the recordings in the database and for the job placement. You’d better keep your fingers off.
In such matters it is always better to trust your own gut feeling and not be misled by false offers.

In addition, it is always better not to change jobs from now on and to quit the old job without a promising alternative. Instead, it is better to build up a second mainstay over a certain period of time and only switch when your new job can provide you with sufficient financial support.

Successful job change with Projektify

Do you want to take the risk and start your own business by changing jobs on the internet? Projektify can help you with this bold step. As a free platform, we not only offer our users regular articles and blog entries on current topics in online business, such as Start ups , Passive income and much more. S.On our side we also look after the purchase and sale of web projects of various kinds and also offer further support in precisely this area. If you are interested in acquiring a web project, take a look at ours for more details Show !

But even if you want to sell an existing web project, we can support you. With us you can create a sales offer for free. To do this, just click here .


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