You have collected all the relevant data and have already decided on a sales exchange. Now you are probably wondering how you should best design the presentation of the company sale. No problem, we will be happy to help you! In addition to tips and tricks, we also explain which steps are particularly important and why.

Creation of a sales advertisement

The presentation of the company sale is primarily about nothing more than the creation of a sales exposé.
Such an advertisement is divided into different areas. In principle, however, the structure differs between the various exchanges. Usually, however, you can find a breakdown into a short profile and a detailed presentation of the company.

1. Collection of all relevant data

First of all, it is important that you collect and sort all the important facts and figures about your company. They form the basis of a presentation of the sales offer. Potential buyers also usually take a look at the data first and then decide whether they are interested in your project at all. A precise structure and an orderly overall picture therefore have a significant influence on the success of a company sale.

2. Creation of a short profile

The short profile shows the presentation of the company sale summarized on just one page. Such a summary is exciting not only for the social media area, but above all for potential buyers, as they can see all the relevant data at a glance. In this way, they can already make an initial decision as to whether your company will meet their requirements. Since no personal data of the seller or product names and websites are given here, the short profile is often referred to as a teaser. It only serves to arouse initial interest. If this is done, the potential buyer can get a detailed company profile. From there he can finally contact the seller.

3. Creation of a detailed company profile

The company profile, as a continued light version of the short profile, now contains much more precise information. In addition to the company’s history as well as strengths and weaknesses, special features of your business can be named here. You should also look for some relevant figures here, such as your annual turnover. However, the company profile in no way corresponds to a business plan. Instead of naming strategies and measures, background information is the main component here. Among other things, it lists which customers or suppliers the company works with or which sales and service structures make up the business. In addition, it can also be explained here why the company is being sold and which conditions apply to a purchase.

In order to build up your company profile as professionally and attractively as possible, you should pay particular attention to good sales arguments and a certain degree of transparency. But you should also include the status quo, i.e. a description of the current business situation as well as the identification of opportunities and expansion options. The better you formulate here and the more passion your text can convey, the better potential buyers can identify with you and your company. That not only makes you likeable, but is also an excellent selling point.

4. Stay true to yourself

As a last tip, we want to give you on the way to stay true to yourself during the whole process of presenting the company sale. Do not pretend or try to portray your company differently than it is. Ultimately, a buyer will most likely find out in the course of the negotiations anyway. This could develop into a serious breach of trust and is therefore an extremely poor basis for a sales basis.

So always remember: There is a suitable prospect for every offer. Sometimes it just takes a little longer to get together.

Presentation of the company sale on Projektify

You can also easily present your sales offer on our Projektify platform. Our free portal is geared towards buying and selling web projects. We support you step by step in selling your company or help you to find the right project. Just click here if you want to advertise an offer. However, if you are interested in a purchase, then it’s this way .

Or maybe you just wanted to find out more. Projektify always offers you the latest information in all areas related to web projects. For example, we regularly create blog entries on the topics Part-time self-employment , Corporate succession or to different ones Legal issues .


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