In the following article we would like to introduce you to the types of Internet pages and what benefits they can have for the buyer. Then we show the potential returns and help you how to sell a website. What types of websites are there and what use are they? Internet pages come in a wide variety of forms such as: Forum Blog Startup Online shop Website for companies and individuals pure domains Blogs are often in high demand and can be used as an extension to an existing business. A pizza baker can easily integrate a blog about pizza topics into his shop, or an entrepreneur can use a similar online shop to make his business online overnight. The same applies to forums. Pure domains are often only for web developers who want to build a business behind them and need an important keyword domain. We already have a…
You have yours Niche side built up and also enough topics found? Now you want to write some blog articles about it. Of course, your goal is for them to attract a lot of traffic on Google and get a high rank, i.e. appear on page 1. A good blog article is not that easy to write and we would like to give you a few tips in this article! 1. Length of the blog article Of course there is no straightforward answer. A blog article should be long enough to present a comprehensive set of facts for the reader. Of course there are guidelines. On the one hand, articles with 300-600 words are very popular and often read quickly. However, if there is more competition on Google, you should make your articles a little longer. So this is where you should write longer blog articles. 1000 – 2000 words…
WordPress is web software with which you can create modern internet presences, websites, Blogs and Online stores can implement. WordPress is free software that you can use for free and whose quality you can contribute at any time if you want. Wordpress is particularly well suited for blogs and has many plugins so that it can even be used as a web shop and, as with Projektify, as a marketplace. It is based on the PHP scripting language and is free as open source software. Wordpress was published in 2001 by Michael Valdringhi as a web blog system under the name cafelog. In 2004 the first stable system appeared under the name Wordpress. All versions are named after jazz musicians. In 2007 Wordpress won the award for the best CMS system. [werbung] [fotolia]
Extension and optimization of content pages and affiliate projects You have bought a web project, you have all the data you need and now you really want to get started, expand your potential and sales and optimize your website after the purchase. You have certainly thought about your plans for the project in advance – but so that you can get a few more pointers, we will give you a few tips in this post. Depending on what your web project is about, you should try to expand the existing areas. If your web project is based on content, i.e. informative content, you will generate your sales primarily with monetization through Google Adsense or various affiliate advertising banners and deep links. In order to achieve the highest possible income here, you have to keep the traffic constant and ideally expand it. This is the only way you can motivate enough…
The internet offers a platform to reach a lot of people and with the help of new technology it is now easy to pull up websites in a few hours. Many take advantage of this and dream of managing their own time and making quick money on the Internet. But how does it work and what are business models on the Internet? Self-employed on the Internet – small business owners and niche sites In order for you to be able to make money legally on the Internet, you should first have a status as Small business owner take advantage of. The small business is very useful to start with, as you have tax advantages below an annual turnover of 17,500 euros. If you want to use the status of small business owner as a founder, you only have to inform the tax office. After registering at the trade office, you…
The following blog article deals with reasons for selling an internet project as well as tips on how to implement it. In the second part we show you reasons for buying a web project and also tips for exactly this. So you can decide whether you want to sell or buy internet projects and thus read the beginning or the end. Reasons to sell internet projects There comes a day when you lose the time or the interest in your internet project. So it is time to gild the project and generate income from it for your long development work. Often experienced entrepreneurs or industry experts are ready to buy your project and continue it profitably. Projects are often so technically mature that they are ready for an exit and only marketing and sales activities are necessary. This is exactly the point at which you should sell your web project…
Various factors play a role in the price of a website Regardless of whether you want to buy a website or sell your web project on Projektify: Price negotiation plays a central role in the process. As a seller you want to achieve the highest possible price, as a potential buyer you want to look as little as possible for the website of your desire. Our will give you a rough overview of whether your asking price is realistic Price calculator for websites . About that, which factors influence the price of a website or a web project , we have already explained in detail in an article. This includes above all the sales already achieved, the traffic, the differentiation from the competition and the further potential. Tips for negotiating prices If you want to negotiate a price, look for realistic sums. Don’t forget that the initiator of the web…
First of all, you should look for a suitable platform on which you can sell your domain. On this you will already find many similar domains and you can get an initial margin for your sale. So you have at least one feeling of how similar domains are being sold in your subject area. You can also find initial price estimates in forums. Projektify also has one Forum on which you can ask such a question. We also have one for more information on domains Article with tips for buying domains . Determine the value of the domain We have determined 4 criteria for this: Traffic is the most important criteria. If there is no traffic, the domain is often worthless to the buyers. The ending of the domain is important. .de domains are often the most popular. But the new endings like .bayern or .info can also be exciting.…
Importance of blogs for websites You have probably already noticed that most websites, regardless of the area, have their own Blog to have. We at Projektify too, of course – you’re reading this one right now. And of course the whole “blogging” doesn’t happen completely without reason. In the following we would like to show you a few reasons why the use of a Blog on your website is so important. Content is king Traffic is important to your website. If your website isn’t getting visitors, you can’t sell products or make money from affiliate marketing. That’s why many website owners write a blog. This has two key advantages. SEO benefits With a lot of text you can rank for relevant keywords on Google and attract as many visitors to your site. You can also get so-called informative customers with blog articles. Example: What should be considered when buying a…
In the following text we would like to help you how and where you can buy a finished website. Buying finished websites means less effort for you to build the website and you can already build on the success and knowledge of your predecessor. If you are not sure yet, you can check out our articles: Why should I buy a website , read. We are currently explaining to you the two methods how you can buy such finished websites and give you tips on buying. Buy finished websites as templates If you search Google under this search term you will find many portals that advertise turnkey websites for startups and companies. It has the advantage for you that you do not have to spend any effort on the conception and planning. Often the designs are really great and if you can fit your content into the page, you will…