There are many ways to make quick money online without doing much. But if you want to generate income morally and in the long term, you are often looking for serious opportunities to build up passive income.

The offers on the Internet to earn several thousand euros a month with little effort are lurking around every corner. The temptation to accept here is often great. Most of the time, however, these advertisements turn out to be scams. Therefore, if you want to implement extra income in an honest way without a lot of work, we have summarized a few serious options for building passive income in this article.

Opportunities for Building Passive Income

Before we introduce you to a few ways how you can generate passive income on the Internet, you should know that there are many other variants. If you do not like our compiled options, please read our other articles on this topic. To do this, just click here or here .

But even if you are not at all sure what passive income is all about, our can help you Lexicon entry on passive income to be helpful.

Own blog

This is a very simple way to build a foothold with passive income Create your own blog . If you can generate a high level of traffic there, your website will automatically be very attractive for placing external advertising. For example, you can enter into cooperation with companies whose products or services fit thematically with your blog. These cooperation partners then display banners and the like as advertising for themselves on your site and pay you a monthly rent for them.

On the other hand, you also have the option of making money with a blog Affiliate or Adsense / Display Marketing to earn. You can read about exactly how this works here.

YouTube videos

But videos on Youtube can also be a lucrative basis for passive income. Here you can either advertise products or services of third parties through collaborations within your videos and be remunerated for them. Or there will be advertising clips before or after your videos.

Even with YouTube videos, the most important thing is that you enough traffic builds up a loyal community. This is the only way to get enough clicks on a regular basis to remain attractive to advertising partners.


At the The principle of dropshipping you offer products for sale that you have previously purchased from your supplier. As soon as a customer orders a product, your supplier is informed and then sends the goods to your customer himself. So even though you are the owner of the goods, you never come into physical contact with them.

In this way you can turn over money, but save not only storage but also the costs of shipping. Despite all of this, you are able to decide for yourself about pricing and marketing measures.


A rather less common, but nevertheless effective way of building passive income is the cashback process. Some pointy tongues may now keep that this is not really for the purpose Strategy of Passive Income counts. But if you buy products extra via cashback sites and automatically get your money back without further ado, you can somehow count it among them. Referring friends can also bring you a few euros on a regular basis.

Build passive income with Projektify

Projektify is a free platform for buying and selling web projects of all kinds. Here you can also find many offers for web projects that make it easier for you to build up passive income. If you want to click your way through our ads to find the right offer for you, then it’s this way.

If, on the contrary, you have had a web project for a long time, which you would now like to sell profitably, then you can Create your sales offer here free of charge and without obligation .

We are also happy to advise you with our regular blog articles on various topics relating to online business and the management of web projects. We focus particularly on the topics Part-time self-employment , Start up , insolvency and Corporate succession . So feel free to read through our other articles.


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