


You are thinking about selling your company and now you ask yourself: How much is my company worth and who should buy it? The second question is answered by our Articles on corporate succession . We want to answer the first question for you in this article. Six complicated procedures in the Articles on calculating company value we have already explained all 6 processes and presented you with an assessment and possible uses for each process. All 6 procedures should answer the question: How much is my company worth? Here again in a list all the procedures for you as a list: Net asset value method Liquidation value method Earned value method DCF method (discounted cash flow) Stuttgart process Practitioner procedure. So there are basically 6 ways in which you can assess the value of a company. But our experience says that everything is usually decided in negotiations. So, in…

Acquiring your own business is a big step in which you have to overcome fears and doubts. Almost 90% of all people who buy a business have never run a business before. For this reason, it is important to obtain sufficient information in advance, so you are faced with the question: Take over the company – what should you watch out for? In this first article we want to give you some key questions and also show you further articles. Take over the company – what should you watch out for? Many companies are being sold head over heels. The previous boss is in need of money. Or he gets sick. Now is your hour. You buy the business quickly and get started right away. Or not? Even if time is of the essence, as a successor you should stay cool and clarify the following questions first. This is not…

Next to the image, the headline is the first thing a user sees of the ad. This determines whether he clicks on the ad or not. For this reason, we would like to give you tips on how to formulate this. Tip: If you need help, take a look at ours Service sales advice Headline tips The ad title should be meaningful so that the user knows what is behind the ad. It should therefore contain the following elements: Name of the web project State (income or potential, etc.) Category (online shop, startup, …) Headline examples Of course, all of this is easy to say. For this reason, we would like to give you a few more examples of headlines that appeal to customers and are directly informative. Here are the examples: Well-running online shop “Name” with ongoing income Online shop for children’s shoes (name) Startup “Name” with first income…

Self-employed through company acquisition: Whether you are implementing your own business idea or want to buy a company: You are a start-up! However, it is not necessarily easier to take over a company than to start one yourself. When starting a new company, in contrast to a company takeover, you have the reins in your own hands right from the start. You can decide everything yourself with the first steps. In the case of company succession, i.e. the continuation of an existing company, on the other hand, you are handed over the customer and supplier relationships, the workforce, the market position and the reputation. In addition, when you take over in an established company, you first have to prove yourself and gain the trust of customers, suppliers and employees. But the real sticking point is the financing, because you want to buy a company without equity. The crux of the…

Affiliate marketing is an important part of online marketing and is considered to be one of the initiators for new marketing approaches. Back then, it was one of the first marketing disciplines on the Internet and is still considered an incubator for new marketing approaches and channels. In this article we explain how you can buy or sell ready-made affiliate shops. What is affiliate Affiliate partner programs are online portals in which an online retailer (merchant) opens a new sales channel within a marketing cooperation via the websites of many partners (affiliates) and these partners share in their sales through success commissions, says the Gabler Lexicon. Roughly, in the context of web projects, it means that you market the products of another person or company and receive a commission for it. In short, it is a sales collaboration between a dealer and a seller. Benefits of Affiliate Affiliate has many…

We offer you two options for creating your ad. Both variants are similar, but our generator is equipped with additional features and of course free of charge. We’ll explain the differences and why you should use the generator most of the time Advertisement generator The new generator automatically delivers your ad after entering some information and supplies it with tags in our system. The system writes you the complete text and also makes screenshots and a price proposal. So you can also find your web project in the search. This is not possible with the standard method. You can also change the suggested text and images at the end. So you don’t have to take these. The ad generator is completely free. Text creation using a text generator With the help of about 10 questions you can describe your web project with us. The answers to these 10 questions about…

Currently, almost 150,000 companies are officially looking for a successor through the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The statistics show that there is a great need for company succession. But how do you find such a successor and what exactly should he be able to do, and above all: Who actually buys such a company when the question is: company successor wanted? Company successor wanted – what should he / she be able to do? The successor’s competence results from his or her personality, technical, methodological and social competence. Here you should write down exactly which characteristics have made your company and you so successful. In the case of smaller companies in particular, it is often of great importance that an entrepreneur is a specialist in the sector. There is also methodological competence. On the other hand, this includes in particular the ability to use various aids to solve problems.…

Imagine a life that you can shape according to your own ideas. With the opportunity to use your free time, your ideas and your way of life as you have always wished. Many people dream of such a life and therefore strive for independence. It’s time for you too! You want to sell your company and are looking for a successor or you want to buy a company in the independence start. You want to gild your company with the sale and reap the fruits of your hard work. Now it is important to find the right successor and to incorporate him into your company. So for you it means: the company is looking for a successor! Many companies are looking for a successor You are not alone in your mission. For example, up to 40 percent of family entrepreneurs have problems finding a suitable successor, the German Chamber of…

You want yours Niche side and in addition to the job, your wallet with something passive income improve? To do this, you have to register a company in addition to your full-time job. For this fact you have to do a part-time job independence Sign in. Part-time self-employment offers many advantages. In this way you can continue to work in your secure full-time job and do not have to rely on your business to generate your salary directly. So it can also be a great addition to your wallet. We have put together a part-time self-employment checklist that will help you put together your strategy. So that you don’t forget anything and find it easier to get started. You can download it for free. Part-time self-employment checklist download pdf [werbung] [fotolia]

In social networks And on Google there are numerous results for each keyword and often users do not know which article to click on due to the high number. In order for your articles to have a high click rate, you need good headings. We’ll show you how to find them in this article! Offering added value for users A headline must offer added value that is immediately recognizable and capture the user. There are usually three things your users want. They want time, money or quality. For these three use cases, we will give you examples and some alternative ideas in the following. Not all added value is the same Of course, most blog articles have added value, such as getting more users to the website. This is definitely an added value, but will be drowned in the flood of articles. Therefore you have to combine this with another…

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