You want to build your own website and now host it. But how does it work and what do you have to consider? We put together a great overview in the article and then tell you at the end what you should do best. Overview: Host your own website If you want to host your own website, you will find a large number of offers, some of which hardly differ from each other. But you should know exactly what to expect in each package. We’ll explain it to you in a nutshell. Otherwise you could make wrong decisions and end up spending too much money. Homepage construction kits As the term “construction kit” reveals, it is a kind of software with which you can put together your own website quite easily. You can set it up quickly and it’s reasonably priced. However, you have very limited options. See our A…
You want to open a new website and have found your main topic. Now you want to write some blog articles so that they…
Would you like to earn a little extra or are you looking for a job that you can do from home? Then this is…
You want to implement your idea on the internet and you need a website for this. You can build these yourself or buy them.…
You stand in front of your website and have built up a lot of content and with it your first visitors. Now you would…
You have a specific hobby, want to tell the whole world about it and therefore start a blog where you can report on interesting…
You are new to Projektify and want to sell your web company. You ask yourself: how should I proceed? Should I sell my web…
You have created or bought a website to use it passive income to generate? Very good! But as soon as the ranks in the…
Earning money on the Internet – that is the dream of many nowadays and more and more are trying to make this dream a…