There are many well-known ways to earn passive income, such as affiliate marketing or developing your own app. More and more people want to invest in the cryptocurrency system and generate additional income with the help of bitcoins and the like. But how exactly does it work and what do you have to consider? What is cryptocurrency? Before we explain how Passive income works in the form of cryptocurrency, we want to give you a quick digression on what cryptocurrency is actually about. Put simply, cryptocurrency is digital money. It is derived from cryptography. Cryptography is used to prevent the manipulation of transactions or the double spending of money. Cryptocurrencies enable payment without the involvement of banks and credit institutions, although there is still a demand for cash. They can be created by anyone around the world using cryptographic computing processes. If you want to learn more about this topic,…
Regardless of whether it is an online shop or your own blog, sooner or later every website operator will come to the point where they no longer feel like visiting their website. Be it for technical or content reasons, you basically have two options: One is, you try to redesign your website technically or in terms of content so that you are newly convinced of your project. The other option is to sell your website and start a new project. If you choose the second option, we can help you with it. About our Online marketplace you can sell your website and yourself anytime looking for a new project . If you don’t want to run a new website, we’ve put together a few alternatives for you. Alternative 1: make money selling photos Do you like taking photos and have an eye for unusual and exciting motifs? Then earn money…
Do you want to earn a little extra money and increase your income a little by working online? Our business ideas on the Internet show you what is possible online. In particular, opportunities to earn money away from the offline world are becoming increasingly popular, as they can be implemented by practically anyone and often offer promising profit opportunities. Since they can often be carried out comfortably from home and part-time, the number of business start-ups on the Internet has been rising continuously for years. Business ideas on the internet If you too want to join the ranks of young online entrepreneurs, but are still looking for the right idea, then the hesitation is over now. online trade One of the best known and most widespread ways to earn income on the net is certainly online trading. Many start their careers on the Internet with the Sales of own products…
Unfortunately, the path to your own website does not always lead to success along with the self-creation. If you simply don’t have the technical expertise, you have to rely on external service providers to develop a web project for you. But what does a website actually cost? The dream of your own online business is not over if you cannot set up a website yourself. There are thousands of offers from web designers and developers in the sea of the net who are only too happy to carry out this task professionally for you. However, their fees differ enormously in some cases. Invoices here are often in price ranges between a few hundred and several thousand euros. In order to give you an overview of which prices are acceptable and when you should rather decline an offer, we have dealt with the question in more detail in this article: What…
Earning money online is becoming an increasingly popular way to increase your own income a little. Before most beginners put their web project into practice, however, there are usually many questions and often doubts. Is a web project worth it at all? How much work and time do I have to invest to earn something? And how big is the income that I can generate? Questions about questions that we want to get to the bottom of the answer in this article. The different web project options The basis of every web project is usually its own website. All operational measures can be regulated from here and it forms the platform for the visitors to your site. The more people click on your site, the higher your traffic will be. This has a great influence on the earning potential and the amount of income that you can achieve with your…
You have noticed that although you have a high click-through rate on your website, the traffic usually does not last long. One of the reasons for this is that you are not using call to action. Man is by nature in search of systems and processes and he is only too happy to be guided by others. It’s no different online either. So that you can keep visitors on your website longer and not just read a few sentences here and there, it is important that you give them a call to action. This is the only way your visitor will know what to do next and that certainly does not include leaving your site. What is a call to action? If you are now wondering what exactly we are talking about, then you should read on now. A call to action, or CTA for short, is a recommendation for…
They are springing up like mushrooms: blogs are more popular than ever. If you want to quickly and easily share your knowledge, your own interests, your experiences or even just your everyday life with others, you can easily make this a reality with your own blog. For many, the desire to develop the hobby pastime into a serious source of income arises relatively quickly. But is it even worth having your own blog? And how much money can you actually earn with it? For whom a blog is worthwhile Your own blog is the right decision if you primarily enjoy writing. The development of creative content should be geared towards your interests and your knowledge. Having your own blog only makes sense if you have something suitable to say. Your blog only has potential for success if you know enough about its subject areas and can reflect your passion or…
The number of people who decide to earn something with an online shop or even start their own business is increasing every day. But is this step worth it? How much income can you actually achieve with an online shop? Is an online shop still worthwhile? This is probably the most frequently asked question when it comes to running your own online shop. Given the right conditions and the right work ethic, this question can definitely be answered with a YES. The number of online purchases is still increasing year after year. The following graphic shows you how high the average monthly order volume from online shops is according to a study we recently carried out. As you can see, almost 80 percent of our respondents have a rate between 1 and 1000 orders per month. A full 7 percent can even generate monthly quantities of more than 5000 orders.…
Who doesn’t know the dream of owning a startup, setting up something of your own and becoming successful with it. While there is often no lack of motivation and passion, there is often one brilliant idea missing make money online . Many entrepreneurs therefore decide to buy an existing startup and turn it into their own project. But is it worth taking this step in Part-time self-employment at all and how much can you really earn with it? We will answer these and other questions for you in the course of this article. When do we actually speak of a startup? Not every small company is a startup, even if the term is now used in a misleading way. Rather, a startup describes a company that has not yet been able to establish itself on the market, but was founded to implement a promising business idea with mostly little start-up…
There are many ways to make money online that can be done on the side of a regular job. Of course, there are also many dubious offers, which is why many people often hesitate to be convinced of making money online. Ways to make money online In this article, we want to introduce you to relatively simple ways how you can build up a small side income without a guilty conscience. This works very well with passive income, among other things. If you don’t know exactly what passive income is all about, then our lexicon entry can help you Passive income to be helpful. If you also want to talk to an expert personally on this topic and ask him a few important questions, then you will find ours here “Get rich on the Internet” service . Own blog A very popular way to earn money online is to run…