More and more companies are starting to offer their business via the Internet. This development has some advantages: you are your own boss, you can realize your own potential, you make high profits and you benefit from flexible working hours. But competition is fierce and new business concepts are constantly being introduced to the market. In order to stand your ground in the competition, it is necessary to optimize your own website for search engines so that it does not get lost in the vastness of the Internet. In this article we will explain what you should pay attention to. 1. Basics Google records about 3.8 million queries per minute. In order to deliver relevant information to the users, a pre-sorting has to take place. This pre-sorting is based on certain ranking factors, which ultimately decide whether your website will rank higher in the search results or not. Under SEO…
For many, SEO is both a blessing and a curse. Because on the one hand the use of SEO has incredible potential to bring you very high in rankings and thereby push your traffic properly, on the other hand the use is also extremely complicated, so that there are hardly any real professionals in this field. In addition, persistent myths and rumors lurk around the topic of SEO. As an inexperienced website operator, it is not so easy to keep track of right and wrong. For this reason, we have put the most common myths under the microscope in this post. Myth 1: The main thing is a lot of text Our first rumor is probably also one of the most persistent. Because it is communicated again and again that a lot of text also has a lot of added value. After all, you want to include your keywords as…
In the area of search engine optimization, one topic is particularly popular: Social media for SEO or briefly Social SEO called. More and more studies in this area show a clear connection between social signals and the SEO success of a website. The main thing is to use likes, comments, shares and retweets to expand your reach via social media channels and thus indirectly influence the Google ranking of your own website. 5 Social Media Tips & Tricks for SEO For this reason, in this article we want to give you some tips and tricks on how you can optimally use social media for SEO for your own success. 1. Tip: Brand building via social media As a real expert in a field, it is not always easy to convey your own knowledge and the high quality of competence to the outside world enough in the online world to be…
Hardly anything is as well guarded as the secret behind the Google algorithm. Again and again there is thought and there are always new assumptions and ideas on how to improve your own ranking on Google with the help of good search engine optimization. A new trend are the so-called Social signals . In this article we would like to clarify what it is and how the use of social signals affects SEO success. What are social signals anyway? Social relationships, interaction and emotions within social networks are referred to in the online world as ” Social signals “, Which can be translated synonymously with” social signals “in German. If you take a closer look at social signals, then, in addition to likes and comments, sharing or saving posts is clearly part of it. The better, i.e. the more positive these signals are with regard to your website, the better…
The meaning of SEO have already recognized many website operators. Because search engine optimization is primarily about organic, i.e. unpaid, reach through a high Google ranking. However, if you consider the abundance of website offers on the Internet, it quickly becomes clear that it is getting harder every day to get as far ahead as possible with your own web project in users’ search queries. Especially when you are just starting your own online business, you naturally want to be successful as quickly as possible – without enough traffic on your own, however, this can be a difficult undertaking. For this reason, whether you are a beginner or an advanced online professional, it is important to make the best possible use of the possibilities of SEO. And there are a few small rules to follow for success. 6 valuable tips for successful SEO optimization We at Projektify know ourselves how…
Keywords for search engine optimization are slowly but surely being used. Instead, a good Google ranking now requires thinking in terms of topics – through the creation of pillar pages. But what is the new SEO insider tip about and what advantages do such pillar pages offer? What are pillar pages? As is so often the case with online terms, the term “pillar pages” comes from English. Pillar stands for the German equivalent word “pillar”. Since pillar pages deal with certain specialist areas and subject areas, they form a supporting pillar, so to speak. This is because pillar pages usually go into detail on a cluster, but at the same time refer to other pages within their execution that go into more detail on certain aspects of the topic. This ensures that the actual pillar pages are not built too large and with text modules that are too long. Example:…
When it comes to search engine optimization, the influence of page speed on SEO comes into play more and more often. In this article we will therefore clarify what exactly this is all about. If you are currently working on optimizing your website for search engines, then you have certainly come across the term “Page Speed” several times. Perhaps you have also learned that page speed is playing an increasingly important role in Google rankings. That’s why you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of faster loading times. What does a fast loading time actually mean? Unfortunately, that cannot be said across the board. Because which page speed is considered to be fast differs enormously online. While one side argues that a loading speed is good if it satisfies the user, the other side refers to specific figures. There one usually speaks of values between 1.5 and 3 seconds for the download…
In today’s digital world we live in, slow loading times are probably one of the most annoying things we come across every now and then. Especially when you are trying to generate a lot of traffic on your WordPress site, such a problem can have fatal consequences. That’s why we’ve collected some tips and tricks here on how you can increase the loading speed of a WordPress site. Why is it worth optimizing the loading time? Although we use the Internet all the time and everywhere, there are still many areas in this country in which the connection has significant weaknesses. Even mobile there are often a number of connection problems or use with limited data volume. Even if you are not the cause of these obstacles, you are usually the one who suffers. Because the more difficult it is to access your homepage, the longer it takes to load…
Article spinner? Have you heard of this term before? An article spinner can reformulate texts and thus give the opportunity to use a wide variety of keywords with the same text. Sounds tempting and can certainly help massively that the site ranks better and faster. However, it also has its downsides, so in this article we will discuss whether such an article spinner can make sense for you. First we explain in more detail what an article spinner actually is. What is an Article Spinner? An article spinner can transform a text into a completely different text within a few minutes. For example, a text can be used for the keyword: Children’s toys buy cheap such as Children’s toys buy wood be optimized. No additional effort is necessary. Such a spinner can, for example, rearrange sentences or use synonyms. This is necessary because Google does not include texts of the…
Experts repeatedly advise that an optimized page speed is essential for SEO success. But how important is a short loading time and what influence does it have on search engine optimization? The duration of the loading time is considered to be fast, however, differs enormously in the network. Some speak of a fast page speed if it satisfies the user. Others, however, juggle exact numbers between 1.5 and 3 seconds for a page to download. We want to try to shed some light on you with this article. Therefore, in the following we will clarify, among other things, the relationship between page speed and the Google ranking. But also how you can most easily achieve an optimized page speed for SEO success. How important is an optimized page speed for SEO success? Since the satisfaction of users often depends to a large extent on how quickly they are provided with…